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English & Comparative Literary Studies News

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New issue of Feminist Dissent: Challenging Binaries to Promote Women's Equality

The open-access journal Feminist Dissent is based the Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies at the University of Warwick, and its latest issue is a special on 'Challenging Binaries to Promote Women's Equality'. You can read it here.

Thu 29 Nov 2018, 11:32 | Tags: Publication, Research

Tina Lupton's new book on

Tina Lupton's new book, Reading and the Making of Time in the Eighteenth Century (Johns Hopkins UP, 2018), reviewed on the prestigious Public Books site.

Tue 24 Jul 2018, 15:07 | Tags: Publication

Laura Shanahan shortlisted for the John Dryden Translation Competition

Many congratulations to Laura Shanahan, postgraduate student on the MA in Literary Translation Studies, who is one of eight people to have been shortlisted for the John Dryden Translation Competition with her translation from the Italian of Viola di Grado’s La fine delle frasi fatte [The End of the Set Phrases]. The competition received around 100 entries in total. Click here to read more about this achievement.

Stone upon Stone: Land, Labour and Consciousness in World-Literary Perspective. A talk by Professor Neil Lazarus from the English and Comparative Literature Department.

Thursday 7th December 6:15pm - 7:15 pm S0.11

Have you ever wondered where the contemporary field of academic research is heading? What new ideas and concepts are being explored, what theories are being formulated? How Warwick contributes to the academic conversation?

This new series of talks by undergraduate research journal 'Warwick Uncanny: Journal of Literature, Theory and Modernity' aims to provide an answer to those questions. We will ask academics you might be familiar with - they might be one of your seminar tutors, or one of your lecturers - to talk about their current research projects. This way, you can get a glimpse of what the academic universe looks like beyond the scope of undergraduate and postgraduate studies.

*** Light refreshments will be provided. We will be accepting donations - your spare change can help us fund our future events! ***

Join us for our second event, meet the Warwick Uncanny team and ask us any questions you might have about undergraduate research.

Tue 05 Dec 2017, 16:42 | Tags: Publication, Conference, Undergraduate, Staff, Research, Public Event, English

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