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Language Support

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  • Language Training

  • Doctoral College Language Support

Language Training

Some of you may be researching and writing in a second language. We appreciate that this can be challenging, even if you have already undertaken some language training. You should discuss any issues relating to this with your supervisor(s) and there are various types of faculty and university support at:

Doctoral College Language Support

In 2020/2021 the Doctoral College have introduced a new programme of support for students completing a PhD in a second language.

Navigating writing and reading difficulties in English/ PhD in a second language/ Navigating speaking and hearing difficulties in English. This session will provide opportunities to share and nuance any difficulties with English in either reading, writing and speaking, and explore potential ways forward for navigating these in your work plan. The sessions will vary week on week so please connect with the Researcher Development Online channel to see what is coming up the following week. It will be led by early career researcher Dr Claire French (performance studies/ sociolinguistics) from her base in Australia.

The sessions are bookable via the Researcher Development Online web pages.



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