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All deadlines for History Postgraduate modules will be on a Wednesday at 12noon.

Penalties for late submission and over-length work

Students who fail to meet deadlines will incur penalties as set out in the PGT Handbook.

Please note that the word limit does not include essay title, footnotes, essay bibliography, graphs, tables and appendices. Marks will be deducted for overlength work, but you will not be penalised for producing under length work, provided quality is not sacrificed to brevity. Learning to write to a word limit is one of the skills the degree is designed to encourage you to cultivate.

Term 1 Course-specific Core Module essay (6000 words):

HI907 - Themes in Medical History

HI992 - Themes in Early Modern History

HI997 - Themes in Global & Comparative History

HI998 - Themes in Modern History

Term 1, Week 10

Feedback 20 university working days after the submission deadline
HI989 - Theory, Skill & Method (Core Module) essay (6000 words): Term 1, Week 11 (first week of Christmas break)
Feedback 20 university working days after the submission deadline

Term 2 Optional Module essay (6000 words):

HI991 - Matters of Life and Death: Topics in the Medical Humanities

HI993 - Themes and Approaches to the Historical Study of Religious Cultures

HI994 - Themes and Approaches to the Historical Study of Consumption

HI995 - Themes and Approaches to the Historical Study of Empire

HI996 - Themes and Approaches to the Historical Study of Gender and Sexuality

HI999 - Themes in the History of Science, Technology, Environment and Society

Term 3, Week 1
Feedback 20 university working days after the submission deadline

Research Proposal (approx 3000 words, non-assessed)

A completed Taught MA Ethics form must be submitted with your proposal and will be forwarded to your supervisor and the PGT Director for amendment/approval.

Term 2, Week 7 (for full-time students)

Year 2, Term 1, Week 6 (for part-time students)

Dissertation (15000 words or 20000 words for History of Medicine students only)

Wednesday Summer Vacation Week 10 2021 (for 20/21 full-time students and 2nd year 19/20 start part-time students)




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