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Induction 2021


Arrival and Transition

To make the start of your studies as smooth as possible, the University and Department offer a wide spectrum of general online information and personalized advice. You may have already seen the arrival webpage ( with lots of specific guidance on accommodation, enrolment and any particular needs you may have, for example, if you arrive from abroad.


Welcome Week

The single most important source of assistance is ‘Welcome Week’, scheduled to take place immediately before the start of term: Among a wide range of online activities and guidance sessions, offered by the University, Department and the Students’ Union (on its role see the section below), you will be invited to (virtually) attend a departmental Welcome event. Please make every effort to attend these events and to raise any questions you might have there.


Student Voice

The Department of History actively seeks feedback from our students about how we are doing and how we can improve. If you would like to give feedback, share an idea or make a complaint, there are several ways you can do this. Please see our Student Voice website for further information:

Students' Union

Upon starting at Warwick, every student automatically becomes a member of the Students’ Union. As a charity run entirely separately from the University itself, with a physical base in a prominent building adjacent to the Piazza, it is dedicated to representing your interests at all levels, helping you with any practical challenges, organizing a wide range of social events, offering numerous services and providing a clear focus in campus life. You can e.g. take part in the election of their officers, use their food & drink outlets, join a student society, seek specialist advice on any financial/personal issue or simply go along to their events. The SU website has plenty of further information:

Student Staff Liaison Committees (SSLCs)

The SSLC is an elected body made up of student course representatives and academic members of staff to discuss any issues or concerns raised by students. Issues raised during SSLC meetings are reported first to the Education Committee and then to the relevant staff committee where the issues can be addressed. All responses are reported back to the SSLC. For more information about the SSLC and to find your course representative, click below:

href="" class="btn btn-block btn-default">Postgraduate SSLC


Term Dates


Welcome Weekend Saturday 25 September 2021 - Sunday 26 September 2021
Welcome Week
Monday 27 September 2021 - Sunday 3 October 2021
Autumn Term
Monday 4 October 2021 – Saturday 11 December 2021
Spring Term Monday 10 January 2022 – Saturday 19 March 2022
Summer Term Monday 25 April 2022 – Saturday 2 July 2022


Welcome Weekend Saturday 24 September 2022 - Sunday 25 September 2022
Welcome Week
Monday 26 September 2022 - Sunday 2 October 2022
Autumn Term
Monday 3 October 2022 – Saturday 10 December 2022
Spring Term Monday 9 January 2023 – Saturday 18 March 2023
Summer Term Monday 24 April 2023 – Saturday 1 July 2023


Welcome Weekend Saturday 23 September 2023 - Sunday 24 September 2023
Welcome Week
Monday 25 September 2023 - Sunday 1 October 2023
Autumn Term
Monday 2 October 2023 – Saturday 9 December 2023
Spring Term Monday 8 January 2024 – Saturday 16 March 2024
Summer Term Monday 22 April 2024 – Saturday 29 June 2024


Welcome Weekend Saturday 21 September 2024 - Sunday 22 September 2024
Welcome Week
Monday 23 September 2024 - Sunday 29 September 2024
Autumn Term
Monday 30 September 2024 – Saturday 7 December 2024
Spring Term Monday 6 January 2025 – Saturday 15 March 2025
Summer Term Monday 21 April 2025 – Saturday 28 June 2025


Welcome Weekend Saturday 20 September 2025 - Sunday 21 September 2025
Welcome Week
Monday 22 September 2025 - Sunday 28 September 2025
Autumn Term
Monday 6 October 2025 – Saturday 13 December 2025
Spring Term Monday 12 January 2026 – Saturday 21 March 2026
Summer Term Monday 27 April 2026 – Saturday 4 July 2026

*Please note that some courses may have non-standard start dates. Please refer to your offer letter for confirmation of the start date of your programme.

**International students sponsored under Tier 4, who are subject to restrictions on the number of hours they can work each week for immigration reasons, should be aware that the official University term dates and vacation periods relate to undergraduate courses only. Tier 4 students on any other type of course, including Postgraduate Taught and Postgraduate Research courses, should refer to http://go/immigration, or contact us using this form for further information about their rights to work in the UK. Exceeding the permitted number of working hours when studying in the UK under Tier 4 is a serious breach of the conditions of your visa.


Reading Weeks

Week 6 in Terms 1 and 2 is designated as a ‘Reading Week’ and no classes run in that week. The point of these weeks is to allow students more free time to research and read for their assignments and essays, and to allow academic staff to stay in touch with their own research and to conduct more intensive teaching preparation. Most academic staff will not be in the Department during these weeks and if you need to make urgent contact with them you should do this via e-mail in the first instance.

Personal Tutor

All students are assigned a Personal Tutor. For joint degree students, the Personal Tutor may be based in either of their two departments, but students may also meet with the Joint Degree Coordinator of the other department to discuss subject-specific issues. Details of your personal Tutor may be found via your Tabula profile page.

All students should meet regularly with their Personal Tutor to discuss their academic progress. Throughout the year, the Personal Tutors are available to discuss any queries about academic, personal or general matters. If a student is experiencing any problems, their Personal Tutor is the first person they should go to. Every member of academic staff has their contact details and office hours available on their staff webpage.

It is sometimes necessary for a student's Personal Tutor to be swapped to an alternative member of staff, often due to staff taking up research leave or general staff turnover, and usually taking place during the summer vacation. In such circumstances, the student will receive an e-mail from the Department confirming that their Personal Tutor has changed. Students are entitled to change their Personal Tutor at any stage and should direct their request to the Academic Administrator.

Personal Tutoring at Warwick - A Quick 3 Step Guide for Students


The atmosphere in the Department is friendly and informal and it is usually very easy to meet with individual members of staff. All academic staff post their ‘office hours’ on their office doors and on their staff webpages, specifying regular times when they will be available for student enquiries. You can also set up appointments at other times by emailing them.

Students should note that the University & department will ONLY contact you via your University e-mail address. Please be sure to check your e-mails on a regular basis so that you do not miss any important communications. To update your address please do so via the student record online page. Sign in to this page as usual and select ‘Student Records’ from the ‘My Data’ link on the left hand menu.

Undergraduate students have pigeonholes which are located in the foyer outside room H305 and postgraduate students have pigeonholes located in the foyer outside room H342. Personal post should NOT be sent to the department but to your term time address. Items posted to the department will be returned to the sender. Academic members of staff have clear plastic pigeonholes located outside their offices, and part-time seminar tutors have folders located with student pigeon holes. You can also keep up to date with what is happening the Department of History by following:

Facebook: Twitter:

The History Society

With over 800 members, Warwick’s History Society (HistSoc) is one of the largest and best-known societies on campus renowned for its socials, ball, tour, incredibly popular sports teams and impressive academic support! Socials are a big part of their identity with termly HistSoc nights out on and off-campus. They look to support their members academically through essay workshops, module fairs, guest speakers and the newly developed mentor scheme.

Graduate Research Forum

The Graduate Research Forum meets weekly during the Autumn and Spring Terms. Whilst the GRF is primarily aimed at PhD students, some of the sessions are open to PGT students (Part 3 in particular) and attendance is encouraged.