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 Office Hours

The atmosphere in the Department is friendly and informal and it is usually very easy to contact individual members of staff. All academic staff post their ‘office hours’ on their staff webpages, specifying two regular periods per week when they will be available to meet with students. One of these periods may be online and the other face to face. You can also set up appointments at other times by emailing them. You are encouraged to make use of Office Hours to discuss anything related to your time at university.


Departmental Communications

The Department sends out regular communications to keep you in touch with matters affecting your study, signposting support and highlighting opportunities.

The Undergraduate Office send out a weekly newsletter to keep you updated about your degree. Each Year Director will also send regular emails offering advice and support. There are dedicated webpages for each year group:

Students should note that the University & department will ONLY contact you via your University e-mail address. Please be sure to check your e-mails on a regular basis so that you do not miss any important communications. To update your address please do so via the student record online page. Sign in to this page as usual and select ‘Student Records’ from the ‘My Data’ link on the left hand menu.



Personal post should NOT be sent to the department but to your term time address. Items posted to the department will be returned to the sender.


Social Media

You can keep up to date with what is happening in the Department of History by following:


X - formerly known as Twitter: @warwickhistory

Instagram: @warwickhistory