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Careers and Opportunities

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Careers and Skills



Careers and Skills

Student Careers and Skills exists to enable Warwick students at all levels to devise and implement their lifelong career plans. You can access the support at any stage of your time here but would be well advised to start early!


You have a designated Senior Careers Consultant, Millie Tissut, who has extensive experience working with students of History. She is familiar with the range of employment opportunities open to students of your discipline and can advise you on the relevant application processes.

Millie can be contacted by email ( You may also make an appointment to see your advisor through MyAdvantage.


You might also want to look at the accounts run by Student Careers and Skills:




Microsoft Teams: History Student Community Space - Careers channel


Requesting References from Staff

You are welcome to approach academic staff in the department to provide academic references for you. Usually, this is the role of the personal tutor, who should know you well as a result of your regular meetings. Your personal tutor has access to your module marks on Tabula so can speak to your whole academic profile. You may also wish to approach your module tutors for references, or your dissertation supervisor. It is best if the proposed referee knows you personally so that they can write a full reference for you.


When requesting references, it is polite to ask for a reference well in advance of you making your application, including the timescales involved. It is not appropriate to put someone down as a reference who you have not asked, nor to ask tutors to provide references at the last minute. If the tutor agrees to write the reference, send them copies of your application materials so that they have a full understanding of the job or programme to which you are applying, and can tailor their references accordingly. Make sure that you provide your referees with enough time to write a full reference.



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