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Exam Boards


Academic Progression

First Year Students

Students are required to pass 90 credits (including required core modules) with an overall average mark of 40% ​across all 120 credits to progress to the next year of study. A student that fails to meet these requirements will be required to resit the relevant exams and resubmit the relevant essays. The required core modules for single-honours History students are HI153 Making of the Modern World and HI113 Europe in the Making, 1500-1800. The required ​​History core module for joint-honours students is HI153 Making of the Modern World.


Second and Subsequent Year Students

For an undergraduate student to progress from their second year to their third year, or from their third year to their fourth year, they must meet the following requirements:

  • To progress to the next year of an Honours degree (or the next level of study in the case of part-time degree students), a candidate must normally have passed at least 60 credits and have an overall mean of at least 40.0%.
  • To progress to the Year Abroad, a candidate must normally have passed at least 60 credits and have an overall mean of at least 60.0%
  • To progress to the next year of study from a year abroad which counts for credit, but less than 120 credits, a candidate must normally have passed at least 50% of the year abroad credits.
  • To progress to the next year of study from a year abroad which does not count towards their degree students must pass their year abroad.

University Progression Conventions can be found on the Teaching Quality website.


Difficulties with Progression

You should submit all required work on time and in the correct, acceptable format and using the correct method of submission. If you are experiencing any difficulties which are preventing you from studying and progressing as you would wish, you must inform your Personal Tutor who can offer support to help you deal with the difficulties and advise you on how to proceed.


Deferral of an Examination Period

If you have severe circumstances which mean that you will be unable to take assessments such as examinations during an official University examination period (e.g. June, September examination period) the Departmental Senior Tutor may recommend that you defer the entire examinations period to the next available opportunity.

Deferral of an examination period is governed by the University’s Deferral of Examination Policy which was implemented for all undergraduate and taught postgraduate students from April 2020.

Only the Senior Tutor may make a request to defer an examination period on a student’s behalf. This must be made known to the Senior Tutor in advance of the examinations period and you must be experiencing significant difficulties due to your personal circumstances. This may be due to practical limitations such as lack of access to appropriate technology or health problems that are acute in nature.

Students should submit a claim for Mitigating Circumstances via the Mitigating Circumstances Portal in Tabula before discussing with their Senior Tutor whether a deferral of examinations is the right course of action for them.

Deferral of an Examination Period should not be seen as a substitute for seeking Reasonable Adjustments to assessment(s), which are agreed with Disability Services. However, where reasonable adjustments cannot be made due to current circumstances, it may be possible to defer an examination period.



For students commencing their studies in October 2021:

There is a right to remedy failure in ALL failed modules without the requirement for there to be mitigating circumstances (unless the assessment is exempt, for example seminar participation). The ability to remedy failure will be offered at the next available opportunity (normally the September resit period). There is no right to remedy failure at component level if the module is passed overall. Please see the full policy here: 

For students who commenced their studies prior to October 2021:

There is a right to remedy failure in failed modules if there is mitigation (unless the assessment is exempt, for example seminar participation). The ability to remedy failure will be offered at the next available opportunity (normally the September resit period). There is no right to remedy failure at component level if the module is passed overall. Please see full guidance here: 

Degree Classification

Degree Classification Rules

The full regulations may be found here: 

For the courses 'History', 'History and Politics', 'History and Sociology', ‘History & Philosophy’, a student's final degree classification is based on all of the assessed work completed in their second and final years of study. For instance:

  • Second-Year Module #1 65.00
  • Second-Year Module #2 68.00
  • Second-Year Module #3 55.00
  • Second-Year Module #4 74.00
  • Final-Year Module #1 81.00
  • Final-Year Module #2 65.00
  • Final-Year Module #3 62.00
  • Final-Year Module #4 65.00

Average Mark 66.88
Degree Classification 2.1

Students on the joint History degree courses where History is not the home department must refer to the handbooks/websites of the Department which administers their degree for information on how their degree will be classified.


Consideration of UG borderline cases

Where a final year UG student’s mean mark falls below a class boundary but is within 2.0% of that boundary the Board of Examiners shall reconsider the student’s performance and consider whether to promote them to the higher class or not; this provision does not apply to the boundary at 35.0% between a Pass degree and failure.

The criteria which the Board of Examiners for single honours History may take into account when considering borderline performance include:

  • preponderance of module marks across the two years (150CATS out of 240CATS);
  • exit velocity of module marks across final year (90CATS out of 120 CATS);

The criteria for all joint honours with History - except History-Politics - are the same as for single honours History. For History-Politics, the following criteria are used:

  • Performance above the class boundary in the final year - at least half of the final year marks (60 CATS) lie on or above the higher class boundary and the final year average lies on or above the higher class boundary;
  • Preponderance of module marks above the class boundary - more than 120 CATS of marks lie on or above the higher class boundary."

More details may be found on the Education, Policy and Quality website:


Exit Awards

‘Exit’ awards have been developed in order to recognise the achievement of undergraduate students where it was not possible to award the highest qualification for which they were registered, this includes students as follows:

  • who have not met progression requirements
  • who withdraw due to personal or medical reasons
  • who are restarting on another degree programme

There is an expectation that Boards of Examiners will make a recommendation to allow a student to remedy failure (e.g. resit, resit without residence as appropriate), wherever possible, to allow students an opportunity to progress, and only recommend an exit qualification where these possibilities have been exhausted (or are not available).

Further information on exit awards may be found here.


Transcripts/Degree Certificates/HEAR

Undergraduate students will all receive a Higher Education Achievement Report, which is updated throughout your studies to reflect your module results and other academic achievements that have been verified by the university. Please note that the Department is not able to supply records of results or “transcripts” independently from the HEAR, nor can we send copies of the HEAR to third parties on your behalf. For further information about your HEAR, what it will include, and how to access and share it, see

When you finish your degree, you will receive a Degree Certificate alongside your HEAR. Usually this is presented at your Graduation Ceremony. If you are not able to attend graduation, or if you need a replacement copy, it can be posted to you. See