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General Attendance

You are required to attend all formal teaching sessions (lectures, seminars, workshops and field trips) both face to face and online. A register will be taken at each seminar and workshop session. Attendance and engagement (in the case of asynchronous online sessions) will be registered and recorded in Tabula. You should prepare fully for each scheduled session by doing the required reading and preparing any work (such as presentations or briefings). You should attend your formal assessments and examinations at the designated time and place and observe all rules regarding conduct during a formal examination. These can be found in Regulation 10: Examination Regulations.

Our taught courses are demanding and intensive. Normally students are expected to devote the equivalent of a 37.5-hour week to each week of their studies, including reading, research and preparation time, not just lectures, seminars and workshops. Students may have difficulty meeting the attendance and reading requirements if they take on a significant amount of paid work while studying. Students who live a great distance from the university campus may also struggle to complete the course successfully.


Monitoring Points

To help us to gauge how successfully you are engaging with your course, identify any problems which you may be experiencing and offer support to help you, the department has a number of check points throughout the year. If you miss any of the points, this might indicate that you are having problems with the course and need additional support. These monitoring points are available to see on Tabula.

It is extremely important that you meet the requirements of each point as failure to do so could result in a letter being sent to you from Student Records reminding you of your obligations as a student.

International students should be particularly aware of the consequences of missing contact points: the Academic Office is obliged to report to the Home Office UK Visas and Immigration (formerly the UK Border Agency) if any Tier 4 students have been found not to be engaging with and attending their degree course. This will normally lead to the curtailment of their visas.

Tier 4 sponsored postgraduate students should ensure that the PG Coordinator is informed of any overseas research trips.

Please speak to your Personal Tutor if you feel you might be at risk of not meeting these critical requirements at any point during your University career.

Monitoring Student Attendance and Progress

The University's Good Practice Guide on Monitoring Student Attendance and Progression at all levels of study is intended to help departments in supporting students’ learning through monitoring their attendance and academic progress. Missed monitoring points are currently submitted in real-time to Student Administrative Services.

An email will be sent to any students who have missed a monitoring point reminding them of the University's and, where relevant, the UKVI's requirements. Once a student has missed 6 or monitoring points they are required to have a meeting with a member of their department to discuss the situation. Students who do not engage with their studies may be withdrawn under University Regulation 36.


Absence from Classes

If you are prevented from attending a seminar or study trip because of illness or serious personal problems, you must inform the department and seminar tutor as soon as possible. Give the reason for your absence (you need only specify ‘illnesses, ‘family problems’, etc. You need not give details) and say when you think that you are likely to be back in attendance. Failure to do this may result in you missing your monitoring points and further consequences.

If your absence is less than five days, you may self-certify your absence. Note that you will not usually be permitted to self-certify an absence on more than two occasions in any one year. If your absence is of more than five consecutive days or is a third or more occasion, you should in accordance with University rules provide documentation, for example, a doctor's certificate.


Absence from Exams

If you are unable to attend an exam or scheduled summative presentation/group project because of medical reasons, you must obtain and submit a medical note to cover your absence. You must submit this note as soon as possible after the exam or presentation and no later than three days after the date of your last exam. The relevant Exam Board will consider your case and may direct you to take the exam in September or in the following summer. Regulation 12: Absence for Medical Reasons from a University Examination for First Degrees governs this procedure:

How to Record Monitoring Points

Creating a Meeting Record on Tabula

As a student, you can create a meeting record with your personal tutor/dissertation supervisor via the following steps.

  1. Go to Tabula > “My Student Profile”
  2. Select the ''Personal tutor” or ''Dissertation Supervisor'' tab
  3. Select the button Record meeting”
  4. Enter the information that Tabula prompts you to include. This could include the participants of the meeting, the date and time, and that the title of the meeting was ‘personal tutor meeting’ or 'dissertation supervisor meeting'. The most critical information is the date/time of the meeting and the format of the meeting. Tabula requires meetings to be in the correct week(s) and to be face-to-face or video conference meetings in order to automatically update the relevant student’s monitoring points.
  5. Submit for approval. This will send the details of the meeting to your tutor/dissertation supervisor who will then approve or decline the meeting (for example if the date of the meeting is incorrect). Once the tutor/dissertation supervisor approves the meeting, their attendance record will be updated and they will be marked as having attended the monitoring point.