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Induction 2021


Arrival and Transition

To make the start of your studies as smooth as possible, the University and Department offer a wide spectrum of general online information and personalized advice. You may have already seen the arrival webpage ( with lots of specific guidance on accommodation, enrolment and any particular needs you may have, for example if you arrive from abroad.


Welcome Week

The single most important source of assistance is ‘Welcome Week’, scheduled to take place immediately before the start of term: Among a wide range of online activities and guidance session, offered by the University, Department and the Students’ Union (on its role see the section below), you will be invited to (virtually) attend a departmental Welcome event and a series of ‘meet & greet’ sessions as well as a Library introduction and first taster of what it is like ‘Being A Historian’. Please make every effort to attend these events and to raise any questions you might have there.


Bridging Activities

To facilitate the transition academically, furthermore, we expect you to engage in a ‘bridging activity’.

First Year

For incoming Year 1 students, this involves working through an online course located on the University’s Virtual Learning Environment ‘Moodle’ platform. Called the ‘Warwick Online Learning Fundamentals’ it will introduce you to some of the most important principles, tools and techniques of web-based teaching and learning. Alongside, you will complete a history-specific module designed by some of our own students (Subject Specific Learning in History). This centres on three exercises with primary sources of different kinds and periods. Please complete these exercises by the beginning of welcome week. Your personal tutor, an academic who monitors your academic progress and wellbeing throughout the course, will be holding personal tutor meetings in welcome week. In terms of formal teaching, History core modules will start in week 1, options in week 2.


Second Year

If you are entering Year 2, your 500-word bridging piece asks you to remind yourself of the intended learning outcomes of year 1 and to consider what aspect(s) of studying has made the most impact on you up to this point (and why). If you wish, you can add a paragraph at the end of the reflection that highlights any support you think you will need as you move forward. The deadline for submission of this reflective piece is 12 noon on Monday 4 October and it will be discussed in the first personal tutor meeting of the year. In terms of formal teaching, History 15 CATS modules will start in week 1, 30 CATS modules in week 2.



For finalists, the 500-word activity depends on your degree pathway: single-honour students will be asked to reflect on their experience of the research project– both practically and intellectually –and how it helps to prepare for the dissertation. Joint degree students, in turn, will reflect on the theme of multi- and interdisciplinarity, considering its challenges and opportunities. Those doing a history dissertation should also consider how these experiences will help during its research and writing. If you wish, you can add a paragraph at the end of the reflection that highlights any support you think you will need as you move forward. The deadline for submission of this reflective piece is 12 noon on Monday 4 October and it will be discussed in the first personal tutor meeting of the year. All finalist formal teaching will start in week 2.

All Students

Avoiding Plagiarism Training

All students in History are required to complete the Avoiding Plagiarism Moodle course. This is designed for students in any discipline. Once you have completed the course, please download the certificate and upload it to Tabula so there is a record that you have done the training. The deadline for uploading your certificate to Tabula is 15th October.


Students' Union

Upon starting at Warwick, every student automatically becomes a member of the Students’ Union. As a charity run entirely separately from the University itself, with a physical base in a prominent building adjacent to the Piazza, it is dedicated to representing your interests at all levels, helping you with any practical challenges, organizing a wide range of social events, offering numerous services and providing a clear focus in campus life. You can e.g. take part in the election of their officers, use their food & drink outlets, join a student society, seek specialist advice on any financial / personal issue or simply go along to their events. The SU website has plenty of further information:


Term Dates


Welcome Weekend Saturday 25 September 2021 - Sunday 26 September 2021
Welcome Week
Monday 27 September 2021 - Sunday 3 October 2021
Autumn Term
Monday 4 October 2021 – Saturday 11 December 2021
Spring Term Monday 10 January 2022 – Saturday 19 March 2022
Summer Term Monday 25 April 2022 – Saturday 2 July 2022


Welcome Weekend Saturday 24 September 2022 - Sunday 25 September 2022
Welcome Week
Monday 26 September 2022 - Sunday 2 October 2022
Autumn Term
Monday 3 October 2022 – Saturday 10 December 2022
Spring Term Monday 9 January 2023 – Saturday 18 March 2023
Summer Term Monday 24 April 2023 – Saturday 1 July 2023


Welcome Weekend Saturday 23 September 2023 - Sunday 24 September 2023
Welcome Week
Monday 25 September 2023 - Sunday 1 October 2023
Autumn Term
Monday 2 October 2023 – Saturday 9 December 2023
Spring Term Monday 8 January 2024 – Saturday 16 March 2024
Summer Term Monday 22 April 2024 – Saturday 29 June 2024


Welcome Weekend Saturday 21 September 2024 - Sunday 22 September 2024
Welcome Week
Monday 23 September 2024 - Sunday 29 September 2024
Autumn Term
Monday 30 September 2024 – Saturday 7 December 2024
Spring Term Monday 6 January 2025 – Saturday 15 March 2025
Summer Term Monday 21 April 2025 – Saturday 28 June 2025


Welcome Weekend Saturday 20 September 2025 - Sunday 21 September 2025
Welcome Week
Monday 22 September 2025 - Sunday 28 September 2025
Autumn Term
Monday 6 October 2025 – Saturday 13 December 2025
Spring Term Monday 12 January 2026 – Saturday 21 March 2026
Summer Term Monday 27 April 2026 – Saturday 4 July 2026

*Please note that some courses may have non-standard start dates. Please refer to your offer letter for confirmation of the start date of your programme.

**International students sponsored under Tier 4, who are subject to restrictions on the number of hours they can work each week for immigration reasons, should be aware that the official University term dates and vacation periods relate to undergraduate courses only. Tier 4 students on any other type of course, including Postgraduate Taught and Postgraduate Research courses, should refer to http://go/immigration, or contact us using this form for further information about their rights to work in the UK. Exceeding the permitted number of working hours when studying in the UK under Tier 4 is a serious breach of the conditions of your visa.


Reading Weeks

Week 6 in Terms 1 and 2 is designated as a ‘Reading Week’ and no classes run in that week. The point of these weeks is to allow students more free time to research and read for their assignments and essays. Academic staff will still be contactable via email during reading weeks.