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Welcome to New Undergraduates

Professor Tim Lockley MBE - Head of the Department of History

Welcome to our new cohort of first-year students, whether full-time or part-time, single-honours or joint-honours!

We hope you are feeling excited about joining the History Department at Warwick soon. We are committed to supporting you on this new exciting chapter and are already looking forward to seeing you graduate in three or four years’ time.

We know starting at University can be confusing so please read through our Checklist for new History Students for useful information to assist you in starting your studies at Warwick. Please also see some top tips for incoming students from some of our current students!

NB. If you are a joint-honours student, please also refer to the information provided by your partner department.

Any questions?

If you have any questions or concerns please contact the UG coordinators in the first instance:

Module Application Queries =
General Queries = 

With regards,


Professor Tim Lockley MBE

Head of Department, History

Top Tips!

Please also see some top tips for incoming students from some of our current students!

  • Try as many different things as possible. Whether it is modules from different periods or areas to that you are used to, extra-curricular roles in the Department or university or indeed different clubs or societies. Moving to uni can be a stressful and overwhelming experience, but you won't regret having made the most of your time there.

Thomas - History

  • Don't be afraid of taking a module you find unfamiliar, and don't be shy looking for help from professors. You should and are allowed to make mistakes and explores all different possibilities!

Angel- History

  • Put yourself out there! Your university experience is greatly shaped by how much you engage with the opportunities around you. Join a random society, try a sport you’ve never played before, take the module that interests you. You might make friends in unexpected places or discover new hobbies and passions. University is a time for pushing yourself, not just academically, but socially as well!

Tala – History

  • I hope that you have a great time out of Warwick and are able to get the most out of your university experience. My key tips to help you succeed are:

    - Pursue your passions! If you see initiatives or opportunities that the department are running which interest you send a message to see if you can get involved. Your enthusiasm and effort will be appreciated and will probably help you discover what you would like to do in the future.

    - Engage with your modules as much as possible! The best way to succeed in your modules is to be fully immersed with the topic. By coming to lectures and seminars prepared and attending office hours you will be able to succeed in your assignments.

    - Don’t forget to rest! University can be tough and sometimes as students we forget that we need to relax sometimes and take our foot off the gas. Be kind to yourself in term when you need a break and make sure you take well needed rests during the holidays.

Jade - History


  • My number one piece of advice would be to use the academic resources around you to the fullest extent. Go to office hours as much as you can, spend that extra hour to look deeper into topics you’re either confused or fascinated about, read widely around your topic in prep for essays by spending some time in the library, and ask follow-up questions after lectures. You are only at university for a relatively short amount of time - it will go faster than you think - so it is important that you make the most of your time!

Zac - History and Philosophy