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Postgraduate Seminar - Call for Organisers 2009/10 Series

The Arts Faculty Postgraduate Seminar met at 17.30 on the third, fifth, and seventh Wednesdays of each term during the 2008-9 academic year in the Graduate Space on the fourth floor of the Humanities Building. Postgraduate research students from all Centres and Departments within the Arts Faculty were invited to present papers of twenty minutes in length.
Each seminar consisted of two to three presentations followed by a question-and-answer session facilitated by a panel chair.

The Seminar is a relaxed, informal environment in which to present and discuss your research. Works in progress and drafts of conference papers are especially welcome, and thus the Seminar is an extremely useful opportunity to gain experience in giving a conference paper and chairing a panel as well as participating in a friendly academic discussion about your research with postgraduates across the disciplines within the Arts Faculty over wine and nibbles.

The duties of organisers include putting a call for papers out to all postgraduates from the Arts Faculty, grouping papers into panels, and securing other postgraduates serve as panel chairs.

If you are interested in organising, please contact the current organisers indicating the subject area of your research and your departmental affiliation. Please feel free to put any questions you might have about organising to us as well:

Adam Putz,
Arina Cirstea (Lungu)
Charlotte Mathieson
Jeanine Tuschling

Deadline for all enquiries: 19 June 2009.