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Chiara Farnea Croff: Venice Opera House Prize

Chiara Farnea Croff, Warwick’s Venice Programme Coordinator, has won first prize in a campaign organised by the prestigious Venice opera house La Fenice to tackle violence against women.

Chiara has volunteered for many years for a charitable organisation which offers help to women seeking refuge, and the prize marks a continuation of her efforts to highlight this issue.

La Fenice launched a competition to think up a slogan, which Chiara won with an entry based on the name one of opera’s most famous heroines.

Her winning slogan was:

  • C onoscenza (Knowledge)
  • A utonomia (Independence)
  • R ispetto (Respect)
  • M emoria (Memory)
  • E ducazione (Education)
  • N onvielenza (Nonviolence)

Chiara said, "This is a topic I'm passionate about, so to receive this award is an absolute honour." The prize was awarded by a jury consisting of leading figures from Venice’s cultural community.


Chiara Farnea Croff with Italian actress Ottavia Piccolo and Cristian Chiarot, the Sovrintendente of the Teatro la Fenice

Wed 30 Oct 2013, 16:18 | Tags: Announcement Competition