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Applications for Leverhulme Early Careers Fellowships for 2023/2024 entry now open

The Faculty is one of the world’s top 60 Arts and Humanities faculties. It has a thriving research culture spread across six Departments and Schools: Classics and Ancient History; English and Comparative Literary Studies; History; Modern Languages and Cultures; Cross-Faculty Studies; and Creative Arts, Performance and Visual Cultures, which includes Film and Television Studies, Theatre and Performance Studies, History of Art, the Centre for Cultural and Media Policy Studies, and the Warwick Writing Programme. The Faculty also hosts several exceptional research centres, including the Yesu Persaud Centre for Caribbean Studies and the Centre for the Study of the Renaissance. Further information about the Faculty’s research can be found at

Applications are welcomed from candidates who have a strong research profile and meet the following criteria:

  • They must hold a doctorate by the time they take up the Fellowship and must have submitted their doctoral thesis for viva voce examination by 23rd February 2023.
  • They must either hold a degree (any degree) from a UK higher education institution or at the time of the application deadline hold an academic position in the UK that began at least four months earlier.
  • They must not have held a permanent academic post (although the Trust will consider applications from candidates whose permanent post does not include any research).
  • They must have submitted their doctoral thesis for viva voce less than four years before the application closing date, i.e., no earlier than 23rd February 2019. Exceptions can be made for candidates who have had a career break. The Leverhulme Trust will also accept applications from candidates who submitted their doctoral thesis up to five years before the deadline if they can demonstrate that their work was disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Appointments at the University of Warwick are dependent on the award of the Fellowship. Fellows should undertake a significant piece of publishable work during the funded period. For more information about the scheme, please visit

The University of Warwick will conduct an internal selection process before the scheme opens on 1st January 2023. For this, candidates must send the following information by email to Colette Kelly, Research Support Officer for the Faculty of Arts ( by 3pm on Friday 25th November 2022:  

  • A short description of their project (maximum 2 A4 pages)
  • A copy of their CV (maximum 2 A4 pages)
  • The name of their proposed mentor at the University of Warwick
  • The name of three referees (please note that referees will not need to provide a statement for the internal selection round).

Candidates should approach their mentor to discuss the project at their earliest opportunity. Any applications from candidates who have not contacted their mentor prior to submission will not be considered.

Successful candidates will be invited to submit their full proposal to the Leverhulme Trust. They will be supported in this by the University’s Research and Impact Services team. For more information about this and for any other enquiries about the scheme, please contact Colette Kelly on the above email address. The deadline for submissions to the Leverhulme Trust is Thursday 23rd February 2023.

Wed 16 Nov 2022, 09:35 | Tags: Faculty of Arts Funding Postdoctoral Research