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10 questions with Peter Marshall

Peter Marshall 
Professor Peter Marshall of the Warwick University History Department has been interviewed by Kurt Manwaring reagrding his new publication, Heretics and Believers: A History of the English Reformation. The full interview is available on the From The Desk website and details of all the History Department's academic publications are available on the History Department website.

Kurt Manwaring is a freelance writer and contributor to many news sites, and holds a Master of Public Administration degree from the University of Utah.


Tue 03 Apr 2018, 08:50 | Tags: Media Publication

When Americans Were Afraid of Being Brainwashed

The New York Times

Susan Carruthers, Professor in American History at the Warwick University History Department, has had her article, 'When Americans Were Afraid of Being Brainwashed', published in The New York Times online, and in print in the Sunday Review section on Sunday 21st January 2018.


Fri 19 Jan 2018, 18:29 | Tags: Media Publication

Dr Claire Shaw named in Australian Book Review's Books of the Year 2017

Australian Book Review


Dr Claire Shaw of the Warwick University History Department has been named in Australian Book Review's Books of the Year 2017, recommended by Mark Edele:

"Claire L. Shaw’s Deaf in the USSR: Marginality, community, and Soviet identity, 1917–1991 (Cornell) is a landmark in the history of disability and the Soviet welfare state. A stunning first book, it covers the entire Soviet experience from a thought-provoking perspective."

The full range of monographs and edited collections written or edited by the Warwick University History Department's academic staff is available online.


Wed 13 Dec 2017, 18:02 | Tags: Media Publication

Historian Fred Reid's new Thomas Hardy book praised by ex-PM Gordon Brown

Fred Reid in Library


A labour of love by a Kenilworth historian has won the praise of a former prime minister. Emeritus Reader, Dr Fred Reid, former head of the History Department at Warwick University, has just seen the publication of his book Thomas Hardy and History, which he has been working on for two decades, and ex-prime minister Gordon Brown was quick to send his congratulations to Dr Reid on his achievement.

Read the full story on the Coventry Observer website.


Tue 21 Nov 2017, 14:32 | Tags: Media Publication

Global History and Culture Centre Blog

The Global History and Culture Centre has started a new blog. Read the first post, "Jeremy Adelman, ‘What is Global History Now’ – Global History Reading Group", posted today, Wednesday 8th November 2017.


Wed 08 Nov 2017, 15:13 | Tags: Media Announcement

Illuminating India and Five Millennia of Indian Science

James Poskett reviews Illuminating India at the Science Museum

Read about the Science Museum’s new exhibition, Illuminating India, reviewed by Dr James Poskett (Assistant Professor in the History of Science and Technology).


‘Five millennia of Indian science’, Nature, 18 October 2017

Dr James Poskett celebrates the long history of science in India, from ancient astronomical almanacs to the discovery of the Boson.


Thu 19 Oct 2017, 12:53 | Tags: Media Publication

Disorder Contained

Over a century ago, Dickens said it was cruel, wrong and “tampered with the brain”. So why is solitary confinement still allowed?

Read the article by Kirstie Brewer in Prospect magazine, as informed by an interview with Professor Hilary Marland who co-leads a five-year research project into the history of prison health in England and Ireland and recently gave historical evidence to Parliament’s Joint Committee on Human Rights inquiry into Mental Health and Deaths in Prison. The project forms the basis of a new play: Disorder Contained, a theatrical examination of madness, prison and solitary confinement. The play moves to London on 9-10 October.


Sat 30 Sep 2017, 09:15 | Tags: Media, Impact and Public Engagement, Research

‘Show me the money!’ A brief history of American spending power

Consuelo VanderbiltThe history of luxury – from Roman villas to Russian oligarchs – is explored in a new book written by Peter McNeil and Giorgio Riello. A story of extravagance, excess and indulgence, Luxury: A Rich History considers how opulence has developed from antiquity to the 21st century.

In an article for History Extra, Riello focuses on the history of American wealth, revealing how American fortunes bankrolled the 19th-century British aristocracy. Read the full article on the History Extra website.


Tue 05 Jul 2016, 09:06 | Tags: Media Publication

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