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Warwick Jazz

The new Warwick Jazz website has now been launched at, featuring Dr Roger Fagge, Professor Robert Jackson, Emeritus Reader Roger Magraw, and Dr Nicolas Pillai:

Warwick Jazz

Mon 24 Feb 2014, 12:17 | Tags: Research Announcement

Applications for a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship (2014)

Candidates interested in applying for a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship with the Warwick History Department must submit their preliminary application to the Department by midnight on Monday 30th September 2013. Please check the details of what is required from potential applicants.

Tue 10 Sep 2013, 10:38 | Tags: Research Funding

Aspects of Violence in Renaissance Europe - new book edited by Jonathan Davies

Aspects of Violence in Renaissance Europe, edited by Dr Jonathan Davies, will be published by Ashgate this week.

It includes an introdution by Jonathan and presents a range of contributions that look at various aspects of violence from the fourteenth to the seventeenth centuries, from student violence and misbehaviour in fifteenth-century Oxford and Paris to the depiction of war wounds in the English civil wars. Extracts can be viewed at



Thu 01 Aug 2013, 14:40 | Tags: Research Announcement Publication

Marie Curie Doctoral Studentship in African History

The History Department at the University of Warwick is able to offer a 3-year doctoral scholarship for research on the Environmental History of Africa, commencing in October 2013, under the supervision of Professor David Anderson.

The scholarship will cover fees (paid directly) and a living allowance to the value of £37,831 gross per annum, provided through an employment contract adhering to standard FP7 Marie Curie guidelines. The scholarship will also provide an additional monthly mobility allowance depending on family situation. Project funds will also cover field costs and travel.

Applications, including a CV, covering letter, and the names of two referees, must be received by 21 June 2013. Interviews with shortlisted candidates are expected to be conducted between 1–5 July 2013, via skype or google hangout.

For more information about the project and the studentship, please see:

Wed 08 May 2013, 15:14 | Tags: Research Postgraduate Funding Announcement

Assistant Professor of South Asian History

The Department of History seeks to appoint an Assistant Professor of South Asian History, with a closing date for applications of Wednesday 13th March 2013. Further details are available from the University's job vacancies website at


Tue 12 Feb 2013, 11:49 | Tags: Research Teaching Announcement

Warwick IAS Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme

The Warwick Institute of Advanced Study (IAS) has launched the 2013 Warwick IAS Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme with a deadline of 27th February 2013. The Fellowships run for two years and are open to candidates within three years of their PhD graduation. Full details are available at

The Department of History is permitted to support five candidates for the scheme, and so all potential candidates are required to submit their application to the Department, including a nomination from one of the Department's academic staff, by 15th February 2013. The relevant paperwork should be submitted by email to the Departmental Administrator Mr Robert Horton at

All potential candidates will be informed by the 22nd February 2013 whether or not the Department will be supporting their application.

Thu 24 Jan 2013, 17:28 | Tags: Research Funding Competition Announcement

Warwick History Student wins the "Royal Historical Society / History Today" 2012 Prize

Mr Frederick Smith, a single-honours Renaissance-stream History graduate of 2011, has won the "Royal Historical Society / History Today" 2012 prize for his undergraduate dissertation "'Discerning cheese from Chalke': Louvainist Propaganda and recusant identity in 1560s England".

One of the judges, Professor Mark Cornwall, commented, "This is a very sophisticated and ambitious piece of work which combines excellent text analysis with a clear and engaging theoretical framework. It boldly challenges existing historiography in trying to reassess the impact of Louvanist propaganda as a vehicle for reasserting Catholicism in England in the first decade of Queen Elizabeth I. The result is an admirably controlled and very well-presented dissertation with a convincing argument."

Mon 14 Jan 2013, 17:57 | Tags: Research Competition Announcement Workshop

Early Women Biochemists Website

The Early Women Biochemists website is now available:


Please note that some elements of the website are still under construction and will be made available in the near future.

Our thanks to Dr Stephen Soanes, Professor Robert Freedman and Professor Hilary Marland for all their efforts and continued support. Our thanks also to the Biochemical Society and the Warwick University Centre for the History of Medicine for their kind contributions.

Mon 13 Aug 2012, 11:30 | Tags: Research Announcement

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