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Arts Faculty E-learning News

1. Media Workshop: video and podcast production for everyone

You can easily post videos and podcasts onto Sitebuilder. You might have a great idea for a Warwick iTunesU programme. However, until recently, video production was an expensive and specialised job.

We now have 5 Apple iMac based multimedia production suites, with cameras and easy to use software. Videocue records your presentations and provides an autocue for your script. Screenflow records actions on your computer screen while you give a commentary. For example, record a Powerpoint based talk. iMovie gives professional video editing results for novices.

This facility is called the Media Workshop, and is available to staff and students.

The Media Workshop has been holding training events for staff and students in the Teaching Grid, working with Careers. We can arrange a recording session for your students in a seminar. Find out more here.

2. Arts E-Squad

We have 5 undergraduates working for free to support e-learning in the Faculty. They are trained to help with Sitebuilder, creating videos and podcasting, but are also good at general problem solving and support. To request help, post a message to the forum.

3. Plagiarism

We have a range of resources and tools aimed at helping with the problem of plagiarism. This is still a developing field, and we are researching various approaches. For example, recent tests on the Jisc Turn It In source matching system have identified that plagiarism from many arts and humanities sources cannot be detected. We are also developing new resources to educate students and staff about these issues.

For more information, or to discuss your department’s strategy, please contact Robert O’Toole (Tel. 07876 217960, room H015).

4. Sitebuilder: recent new features

  • Page comments: allow specified people to leave comments at the bottom of a page.
  • Glossaries: create a glossary (or get students to create it) and add pop-up links to its definitions within any other Sitebuilder page.
  • Visual page history: get a visual picture of who has edited a page and what changes they have made.
  • Video and audio recording: using a web cam (or mic for audio only) you or your students can record a video or audio message directly ino a podcast page – works anywhere in the world with a good web connection. Used by the Law Department for an undergraduate assignment.

5. Sitebuilder: in development

  • “List of things” page: a development of the glossary system, you will be able to use this to build reading lists, small databases, staff lists etc.
  • Personalised student home page: to streamline access to online information. Events, discussions, module home pages, links, resources, assignment submissions etc all on one easy to use page. We are designing prototypes, and recruiting beta testers. Contact Robert O’Toole.
  • Tracking individual student activity: a recent change in university policy allows us to record which students have been using our teaching pages. The details of this are still under consideration. We expect to see a demo soon.

6. Future Platforms for Next Practice Research Project

What will the ideal virtual research and learning environment (VRLE) be like in a couple of year’s time? What kinds of teaching must it support? What will it’s users be like? How do we get to that point?
Working with IT Services and the CAPITAL centre, Robert O’Toole is undertaking a widespread ‘envisioning’ exercise to arrive at a clearer picture of future platforms to support next practice.
If you have opinions and ideas, talk to Robert O’Toole. More information online.