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Bed and Breakfast Rates at Arden, Radcliffe and Scarman

The ‘last minute’ rate of £33.85 for bookings made on or after the Thursday of the week prior still stands.

To allow us to make these reductions and maintain our financial position, we need to increase and maximise occupancies at the centres. To achieve this may, on occasion, mean that we will have to move bookings between the centres and sometimes book-out to local hotels. We will give as much notice as possible of any changes. If hotels are used at a higher rate, Warwick Conferences will pay the hotel, including any price difference. University departments would then be charged the lower rate by Warwick Conferences. Taxis to and from any external venue will be provided, if required, to the hotel.

These prices only apply for visitors to University departments. They are not available to anyone attending conferences, courses or events being held in Warwick Conferences venues.

Please click here for the new price schedule and Terms and Conditions.