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Lecturers of British History: the Fulbright-Robertson Visiting Scholar Award

Benefits include a stipend and transatlantic travel budget for the scholar and up to 4 dependants. In addition, Fulbright scholars receive a high level of support ranging from visa processing and health insurance to a comprehensive pre-departure orientation and re-entry session. Scholars are also encouraged to join the extensive alumni network, the British Fulbright Scholars Association (BFSA).

I should be grateful if you would share this email and the attached leaflets with any colleagues who might be interested in making an application and/or include in the information in your newsletters. The successful candidate will join an impressive list of previous Fulbright-Robertson scholars: John Ramsden, Maureen Meikle, Lawrence Black, Philip Swan, Richard Allen and Richard Coggins. The current chair holder is Neil Fleming.

The competition for this scheme opened this week and full details including application forms and instructions may be obtained from our website: The application deadline for the Fulbright-Robertson Visiting Scholar Award for academic year 2010-2011 is 31 May 2009.