Prof. Tim Lockley (Head of Department)
Contact Information: 3.21, third floor, Faculty of Arts Building; Telephone: 02476 524764
Office Hours by appointment via email
Academic Profile
M.A. University of Edinburgh 1993; Ph.D. University of Cambridge 1996. Dissertation Title, 'Encounters between Afro-Americans and Non-Slaveholding Whites in Lowcountry Georgia, 1750-1830'.
University of Warwick -- Lecturer 1996-2005; Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) 2005-2010; Reader 2010-15; Professor since 2015
Associate editor of Slavery & Abolition
AHRC Grant: "Africa's Sons Under Arms"
AHRB Grant: Southern Charities Project
Member of: European Early American Studies Association ; British Group in Early American History; British American Nineteenth-Century Historians
I am a social historian of the colonial and antebellum South as well as the greater Caribbean. I have published widely on slavery, class and poverty, and more recently on medical history. I have additional research interests in the history of cricket and classical music broadcasting.
This book uses the West India Regiments to examine changing attitudes towards race in the eighteenth and nineteenth century.
This volume is a collection of transcribed manuscript materials with extensive commentary and interpretative essays.
This book explores the meaning and role of poor relief in the antebellum south. The main thrust of the argument is that the southern elite increasingly used poor relief as a means to reduce social tension, and to teach the poor what it meant to be 'southern'.
This book is principally about the myriad relationships between non-slaveholding whites and enslaved African Americans, and argues that relations between the two groups were not always antagonistic but could be formed on the basis of mutual advantage.
Edited volumes
Africa's Sons under Arms Special issue of Slavery & Abolition 39.3 (September 2018) co-edited with David Lambert
These two volumes are edited collections of rare printed primary materials with commentary and introductory essays.
This collection of essays examines how British people have conceived of America over the course of more than four hundred years. It arose out of conference in 2005 that I helped to organise, and I contributed the introduction to the volume.
Articles in Peer Reviewed Journals
'The Global Origins of the West India Regiments' Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research 103.1 (Spring 2025), 7-23
"Slaveholders and Slaves in Savannah's 1860 Census" Urban History 41.4 (November 2014), 647-663.
'Black Mortality in Antebellum Savannah' Social History of Medicine 26.4 (November 2013), 633-652.
‘Rural Poor Relief in Colonial South Carolina’ The Historical Journal, 48.4 (December 2005), pp. 955-976.
'"The Manly Game": Cricket and Masculinity in Savannah, Georgia, 1859' International Journal of the History of Sport 20 (September 2003), pp.77-98.
'The Purpose of Public Poor Relief in Buncombe County, North Carolina, 1792-1860.' North Carolina Historical Review 80 (January 2003), pp.28-51.
‘Gender and Justice in Antebellum Savannah: The Case of George Flyming’ Georgia Historical Quarterly, 84 (Summer, 2000), pp.230-253.
‘Trading Encounters between Non-Elite whites and African Americans in Savannah, 1790-1860.’ Journal of Southern History 66 (February, 2000), pp25-48.
‘Crossing the Race Divide: Inter-racial Sex in Antebellum Savannah’ Slavery & Abolition 18 (December, 1997), pp159-173.
Book Chapters
Future research plans include a study of Savannah in 1820 and a history of classical music radio broadcasting in the US during World War II
Recent Research Topics Supervised (PhD, MA)
Disability and Masculinity among the enslaved in the antebellum South (Mia Edwards 2022-)
"A Reading People: The sectional crisis and the common reader in the Antebellum South" (Adam Challoner 2019-23)
"Scripts of confidence and supplication: fear as the personal and political among the elite male slaveholders of South Carolina and Cuba 1820 – 1850" (Liana Valerio 2015-9)
"Slavery in print : slaveholding ideology and anxiety in antebellum southern newspapers, 1830-1861" (Rosie Narayan 2014-9)
The papers of Lord Cornwallis (Ian Saberton 2016)
Shadow worlds and "superstitions" : an analysis of Martha Warren Beckwith’s writings on Jamaican folk religion, 1919-1929 (Hilary Sparkes, 2015)
Atlantic contingency : Jonathan Dickinson and the Anglo-Atlantic world, 1655-1725 (Jason Daniels, 2013)
Hierarchies and honour among enslaved men in the antebellum South (David Doddington 2012)
News, intelligence and 'little lies' : rumours between the Cherokees and the British 1740-1785 (Chris Vernon 2012)
The boundaries of coercion in the American Revolution ca.1760-1789 (Tom Rodgers 2011)
The spread and transformation of antislavery sentiment in the transatlantic evangelical network : 1730s-1790s (Young-Hwi Yoon, 2011) (co-supervision)
Band of brothers : enslaved men of the antebellum south (Sergio Lussana 2011) (co-supervision)
Performances of honour : manhood and violence in the Mississippi slave insurrection scare of 1835 (Lydia PLath 2009)
Boundaries of rule, ties of dependency : Jamaican planters, local society and the metropole, 1800-1834 (Christer Petley 2003) (co-supervised)
MA dissertation topics
Lower class leisure in colonial Georgia
Cultural brokers in the 18thC Southeast
Perceptions of gender among Native Americans and Europeans in the Colonial Southeastern USA
The impact of epidemics in antebellum Savannah, Georgia.
The urban jail population of antebellum Savannah, Georgia.
Runaway slaves in Georgia and Jamaica.
Listen to my "In our time" appearances: July 5, 2007 (Pilgrim Fathers) November 21, 2013 (Pocahontas) October 23, 2014 (Haitian Revolution) May 26, 2016 (Gettysburg Address)
Undergraduate Modules Taught
A History of the United States (HI111)
Mapping England's Atlantic Empire (HI2E3)
A Global History of Sport (HI2H4)
Music and HistoryLink opens in a new window (HI2K4)
Slavery and Slave Life in the American South 1619-1865 (AM407)