Academic Staff
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- Anderson, David
David Anderson - Professor of African History
MA Course Convener (Global & Comparative)Office: Room 3.47, third floor, Faculty of Arts Building
Phone: 024 76150991, internal extension 50991
Term-Time Office Hours: Mondays 10:00-11:00 and 14:00-15:00
Research Expertise: African history and politics, political violence, civil conflict, security, and war, all with particular reference to Eastern Africa and the Horn
Centres and Networks: Global History and Culture Centre; History of Violence Network
- Bivins, Roberta
Roberta Bivins - Professor of the History of Medicine
Director of Centre for the History of MedicineOffice: Room 3.54, third floor, Faculty of Arts Building
Phone: 024 76523440, internal extension 23440
Term-Time Office Hours: Tuesdays 14:00-15:00 (via MS Teams) and Fridays 09:30-10:30 (in person)
Research Expertise: Domestic medical technologies; medicine and immigration in the 20th century; post-war medical research and healthcare delivery patterns in the UK and USA
Centres and Networks: Centre for the History of Medicine; European History Research Centre; Oral History Network- Branch, Daniel
Daniel Branch - Professor of African History
Head of Doctoral College and Co-Director of Warwick in AfricaOffice: Room 3.80, third floor, Faculty of Arts Building
Phone: 024 76523979, internal extension 23979
Term-Time Office Hours: n/a
Research Expertise: Political and social history of post-colonial Kenya, with specific reference to the Mau Mau rebellion
Centres and Networks: Global History and Culture Centre; History of Violence Network- Bycroft, Michael
Michael Bycroft - Associate Professor in the History of Science and Technology
Academic Conduct Committee and Coordinator of Other Joint DegreesOffice: Room 3.75, third floor, Faculty of Arts Building
Phone: 024 761 50442, internal extension 50442
Term-Time Office Hours: Thursdays 16:00-17:00 and Fridays 10:00-11:00
Research Expertise: Early modern science, technology and medicine, with a specialty in French history, with close attention to the connections between France, the rest of Europe, and the wider world
Centres and Networks: European History Research Centre; Global History and Culture Centre
- Carruthers, Susan
Susan Carruthers - Professor of International History
Second Year Senior TutorOffice: Room 3.76, third floor, Faculty of Arts Building
Phone: 024 76523487, internal extension 23487
Term-Time Office Hours: Tuesdays 12:00-13:00 and Fridays 10:00-11:00 in person.
Research Expertise: US and international history, with expertise in the media and war, cold war culture, and colonial counterinsurgency, spanning the twentieth and twenty-first centuries
Centres and Networks: Comparative American Studies; Global History and Culture Centre- Chen, Song-Chuan
Song-Chuan Chen - Associate Professor of Modern Chinese History
On Study Leave 2024/2025
Office: Room 3.10, third floor, Faculty of Arts Building
Phone: 024 76150072, internal extension 50072
Term-Time Office Hours: On Study Leave 2024/2025
Research Expertise: Sino-Western relations during the Canton era; Ming and Qing China in global history; Republican China and Taiwan; Chinese Religion
Centres and Networks: Global History and Culture Centre- Clements, Henry
Henry Clements - Assistant Professor of Middle Eastern History
Office: Room 3.38, third floor, Faculty of Arts BuildingPhone: TBC
Email: henry dot clements at warwick dot ac dot uk
Term-Time Office Hours: Mondays 10:00-11:00 and Wednesdays 11:00-12:00
Research Expertise: Middle East and Ottoman History, Modern Intellectual History, Secularism and Religion in Modernity, Postcolonial Theory
Centres and Networks: Global History and Culture Centre- Cowling, Camillia
Camillia Cowling - Associate Professor of Latin American History
On Study Leave 2024/2025
Office: Room 3.78, third floor, Faculty of Arts Building
Phone: 024 76572746, internal extension 72746
Term-Time Office Hours: On Study Leave 2024/2025
Research Expertise: Slavery and abolition in the Americas and Atlantic World, and specifically Brazil and Cuba
Centres and Networks: Comparative American Studies; Global History and Culture Centre; Yesu Persaud Centre for Caribbean Studies; Mothering Slaves Research Network- Cretu, Anca
Doina Anca Cretu - Assistant Professor in Modern European History
Office: Room 3.38, third floor, Faculty of Arts BuildingPhone: TBC
Email: anca dot cretu at warwick dot ac dot uk
Term-Time Office Hours: Mondays 11:30-12:30 and Tuesdays 11:00-12:00 (or upon appointment)
Research Expertise: Modern Europe (with focus on east-central Europe); Humanitarianism; Development; Migration (with focus on History of Refugees)
Centres and Networks: Centre for Global Jewish Studies and European History Research Centre
- Davies, Jonathan
Jonathan Davies - Associate Professor of Early Modern European History
Director of International Mobility and Venice Co-ordinatorOffice: Room 3.64, third floor, Faculty of Arts Building
Phone: 024 76523420, internal extension 23420
Term-Time Office Hours: Term 1: The hour following seminars (seminar room in Venice). Terms 2 and 3: Tuesdays 12:00-14:00 (in person FAB 3.64)
Research Expertise: The folklore of Europe from prehistory to the present; violence in early modern Europe; the history of the Italian states (especially Tuscany) between 1350 and 1600
Centres and Networks: Centre for the Study of the Renaissance; European History Research Centre; History of Violence Network- Dincer Hadjianastasis, Aysu
Aysu Dincer Hadjianastasis - Assistant Professor of Medieval European History
On Study Leave 2024/2025
Office: Room 3.17, third floor, Faculty of Arts Building
Phone: 024 76150928, internal extension 50928
Term-Time Office Hours: On Study Leave 2024/2025
Research Expertise: Social and economic history of the Eastern Mediterranean in the late Middle Ages and the Early Modern period (family and gender, material culture, slavery); history of the crusades and the crusader states; history of Lusignan and Venetian Cyprus; trade and use of aromatics
Centres and Networks: Centre for the Study of the Renaissance; European History Research Centre; History of Violence Network- Doyle, Rosie
Rosie Doyle - Assistant Professor of Latin American History
Student Engagement OfficerOffice: Room 3.77, third floor, Faculty of Arts Building
Phone: 024 765 51051, internal extension 51051
Term-Time Office Hours: Thursdays 10:30-11:30 and Fridays 13:30-14:30
Research Expertise: Latin American history; the history of human rights in Mexico
Centres and Networks: Comparative American Studies; Global History and Culture Centre
- Earle, Rebecca
Rebecca Earle - Professor of Food History
On Study Leave 2024/2025
Office: Room 3.68, third floor, Faculty of Arts Building
Phone: 024 76523466, internal extension 23466
Email: Rebecca dot Earle at warwick dot ac dot uk
Term-Time Office Hours: On Study Leave 2024/2025
Research Expertise: Colonial and 19th century Spanish American history, and the global history of food
Centres and Networks: Centre for the Study of the Renaissance; Comparative American Studies; European History Research Centre; Global History and Culture Centre
- Fagge, Roger
Roger Fagge - Associate Professor of United States History
Admissions TutorOffice: Room 3.05, third floor, Faculty of Arts Building
Phone: 024 76523395, internal extension 23395
Term-Time Office Hours: Mondays 13:00-14:00 and Tuesdays 12:00-13:00
Research Expertise: Social and cultural history, with particular reference to popular culture, and including the study of leading British jazz critics, the relationship between jazz and hip-hop (especially with regard to Miles Davis), and the role of jazz in everyday life
Centres and Networks: Comparative American Studies
- Gerritsen, Anne
Anne Gerritsen - Professor of Early Modern Chinese History
Deputy Head for ResearchOffice: Room 3.16, third floor, Faculty of Arts Building
Phone: 024 76523318, internal extension 23318
Term-Time Office Hours: Tuesdays 13:00-14:00 and Wednesdays 11:00-12:00
Research Expertise: Early modern Chinese history; global history; material culture of early modern China, especially porcelain; history of Jiangxi
Centres and Networks: Global History and Culture Centre
- Hajkova, Anna
Anna Hájková - Reader in Modern European History
On Leave Terms 1 & 2 2024/25Office: Room 3.51, third floor, Faculty of Arts Building
Phone: 024 76523329, internal extension 23329
Term-Time Office Hours: On Leave Terms 1 & 2 2024/25
Research Expertise: The history of the Holocaust, Nazi Germany, and modern Central and Eastern Europe; the history of genocide; the history of gender; nationalities; history of everyday life in general
Centres and Networks: European History Research Centre; Oral History Network; History of Violence Network
- Kembabzi, Doreen
Doreen Kembabazi - Assistant Professor of African History
Academic Conduct Committee
Office: Room 3.43, third floor, Faculty of Arts Building
Phone: 024 76151625, internal extension 51625
Term-Time Office Hours: Mondays 11:00-12:00 (on Teams) and Tuesdays 11:00-12:00 (in person)
Research Expertise: African History; East Africa, Gender and Sexuality, Public health, Urbanization, Ethnicity, Political culture, Nationalism, Civil Society, State violence and Slavery
Centres and Networks: Centre for the History of Medicine; Global History and Culture Centre- Knights, Mark
Mark Knights - Professor of Early Modern British History
Europe in the Making coordinator and MA Course Convener (Early Modern)Office: Room 3.20, third floor, Faculty of Arts Building
Phone: 024 76574690, internal extension 74690
Term-Time Office Hours: Mondays 14:00-15:00 and Thursdays 16:00-17:00
Research Expertise: The political culture of early modern Britain c.1550 - c.1850, with particular interests in the integration of political and social history, the nature of public discourse, the role of print, and the interaction of politics, literature and ideas
Centres and Networks: Centre for the Study of the Renaissance; Corruption Network; Early Modern and Eighteenth Century Centre; European History Research Centre- Kumin, Beat
Beat Kümin - Professor of Early Modern European History
Director of Postgraduate Research StudiesOffice: Room 3.49, third floor, Faculty of Arts Building
Phone: 024 76524915, internal extension 24915
Term-Time Office Hours: Thursdays 15:00-16:00 and Fridays 10:00-11:00
Research Expertise: Social and cultural history of preindustrial Europe, especially the German lands; parish communities; public houses
Centres and Networks: Early Modern and Eighteenth Century Research Centre, Being Human Network; Centre for the Study of the Renaissance; European History Research Centre; Warwick Network for Parish Research
- Lambert, David
David Lambert - Professor of Caribbean History
Director of the Centre for Arts Doctoral Research Excellence M4C AHRC Doctoral Training Partnership Site DirectorOffice: Room 3.07, third floor, Faculty of Arts Building
Phone: 024 76523408, internal extension 23408
Term-Time Office Hours: Tuesdays 13:00-14:00 and Wednesdays 10:00-11:00
Research Expertise: Caribbean and Atlantic histories; British imperialism, exploration and cartography in the 'long' 19th century; counterfactual histories; histories of Whiteness; historical geography
Centres and Networks: Comparative American Studies; Global History and Culture Centre; Global 19th Century Studies Network; Yesu Persaud Centre for Caribbean Studies- Lockley, Tim
Tim Lockley - Professor of North American History
Head of DepartmentOffice: Room 3.21, third floor, Faculty of Arts Building
Phone: 024 76524764, internal extension 24764
Term-Time Office Hours: email for appointment
Research Expertise: Colonial North America; Southern history; slavery; native Americans
Centres and Networks: Comparative American Studies; Yesu Persaud Centre for Caribbean Studies
- Mann, Sophie
Sophie Mann - Assistant Professor of the History of Medicine
Director of Second Year Studies
Office: Room 3.53, third floor, Faculty of Arts Building
Phone: 024 76572794, internal extension 72794
Term-Time Office Hours: Tuesdays 13:00-14:00 (via MS Teams) and Thursdays 10:00-11:00 (in person)
Research Expertise: History of science, medicine, and religion
Centres and Networks: Centre for the History of Medicine- Marshall, Peter
Peter Marshall - Professor of Early Modern British History
On Study Leave 2024/25Office: Room 3.65, third floor, Faculty of Arts Building
Phone: 024 76523452, internal extension 23452
Term-Time Office Hours: On Study Leave 2024/2025
Research Expertise: Religious and cultural history of early modern England, especially the Reformation and its impact
Centres and Networks: Centre for the Study of the Renaissance; Warwick Network for Parish Research- Mick, Christoph
Christoph Mick - Professor of Modern European History
Deputy Head Professional Development/Professor Responsible, MA Course Convener (Modern History) and Historiography coordinator
Office: Room 3.66, third floor, Faculty of Arts Building
Phone: 024 76574691, internal extension 74691
Term-Time Office Hours: Tuesdays 14:00-15:00 and Fridays 12:00-13:00
Research Expertise: Modern German and Eastern European history, especially Poland, Russia, Ukraine; history of science and technology, memorial culture and nation building
Centres and Networks: European History Research Centre; History of Violence Network- Middleton, Stuart
Stuart Middleton - Associate Professor of Intellectual History
Coordinator of English & History Joint DegreeOffice: Room 3.55, third floor, Faculty of Arts Building
Phone: 024 76572797, internal extension 72797
Term-Time Office Hours: Tuesdays 11:00-12:00 (via MS Teams) and Wednesdays 12:00-13:00
Research Expertise: History of political and intellectual cultures in Britain, Western Europe and America since the late nineteenth century
Centres and Networks: European History Research Centre- Mola, Luca
Luca Molà - Professor of Early Modern European History
Director of Warwick in Venice
On Study Leave Terms 2 and 3, 2024/25
Office: Room 3.40, third floor, Faculty of Arts Building (Spring and Summer terms)
Phone: 024 76574282, internal extension 74282
Term-Time Office Hours: Term 1 - Flexible hours, can be arranged on demand
Research Expertise: Early modern Italy; the silk industry; patenting innovation
Centres and Networks: Global History and Culture Centre
- Peplow, Simon
Simon Peplow - Associate Professor of Modern British History
Director of Final Year Studies and Student Voice, NSSOffice: Room 3.08, third floor, Faculty of Arts Building
Phone: 024 76572796, internal extension 72796
Term-Time Office Hours: Mondays 15:00-16:00 and Tuesdays 14:00-15:00
Research Expertise: Modern British race and migration history, with a particular interest in Black British political participation and engagement through official mechanisms and collective violence
Centres and Networks: European History Research Centre- Plath, Lydia
Lydia Plath - Associate Professor of United States History
Deputy Head for Teaching and LearningOffice: Room 3.12, third floor, Faculty of Arts Building
Phone: 024 76523307, internal extension 23307
Term-Time Office Hours: Mondays 12:00-13:00 and Fridays 10:00-11:00 in person
Research Expertise: 19th and 20th century US South, slavery, racial violence, and their representation in American film
Centres and Networks: Comparative American Studies; History of Violence Network- Poskett, James
James Poskett - Reader in the History of Science and Technology
Office: Rm 3.50, third floor, Faculty of Arts Building
Phone: 024 76522542, internal extension 22542
Term-Time Office Hours: Thursdays 13:00-14:00 and Fridays 13:00-14:00 in person
Research Expertise: Global history of science and technology from 1750; science and empire; history of racial science; material culture
Centres and Networks: Global History and Culture Centre; History of Science and Technology Hub- Pullin, Naomi
Naomi Pullin - Associate Professor of Early Modern British History
Director of Early Modern & Eighteenth Century CentreOffice: Rm 3.42, third floor, Faculty of Arts Building
Phone: 024 76573745, internal extension 73745
Term-Time Office Hours: Thursdays 10:00-11:00 and Fridays 11:00-12:00 in person
Research Expertise: Religious and gender history in the early modern British Atlantic, with particular interests in the early Quaker community; the roles of women in Protestant dissent; and sociability, friendship and enmity in the 17th and 18th centuries
Centres and Networks: Centre for the Study of the Renaissance; Early Modern and Eighteenth Century Centre; European History Research Centre- Purseigle, Pierre
Pierre Purseigle - Reader in Modern European History
On Study Leave 2024/25Office: Rm 3.79, third floor, Faculty of Arts Building
Phone: 024 76523316, internal extension 23316
Term-Time Office Hours: On Study Leave 2024/25
Research Expertise: Modern Europe, History of War, Urban History, Disasters, Reconstruction, Resilience, First World War and Interwar period
Centres and Networks: European History and Research Centre; History of Violence Network
- Riello, Giorgio
Giorgio Riello - Professor of Global History
Seconded to the European University Institute (Florence) from September 2019 to August 2029Office: n/a
Phone: n/a
Term-Time Office Hours: n/a
Research Expertise: Global history, 1400-1800 - history of design and material culture, history of fashion and textiles, small scale manufacturing in Europe
Centres and Networks: Eighteenth Century Centre; European History Research Centre; Global History and Culture Centre; Global 19th Century Studies Network; Luxury Network- Roberts, Penny
Penny Roberts - Professor of Early Modern European History
Director of Postgraduate Taught Studies and Chair, Social Inclusion CommitteeOffice: Room 3.06, third floor, Faculty of Arts Building
Phone: 024 76523411, internal extension 23411
Term-Time Office Hours: Mondays 14:30-15:30 and Tuesdays 14:00-15:00
Research Expertise: Social, religious, cultural and political history of 16th century France, especially its religious wars; peacemaking and violence; religious minorities and their networks; urban histories
Centres and Networks: Centre for the Study of the Renaissance; European History Research Centre; History of Violence Network; Warwick Network for Parish Research
- Sarkar, Aditya
Aditya Sarkar - Associate Professor of South Asian History
On Study Leave 2024/25Office: Room 3.71, third floor, Faculty of Arts Building
Phone: 024 76151050, internal extension 51050
Term-Time Office Hours: On Study Leave 2024/25
Research Expertise: The history of modern South Asia, with specific expertise and interest in the social histories of labour and capitalism
Centres and Networks: Global History and Culture Centre- Schwartz, Laura
Laura Schwartz - Reader in Modern British History
On Leave 2024/25
Office: Room 3.09, third floor, Faculty of Arts Building
Phone: 024 76523398, internal extension 23398
Term-Time Office Hours: On Leave 2024/25
Research Expertise: History of feminism, labour history and social movements in 19th and 20th century Britain
Centres and Networks: European History Research Centre; Oral History Network- Shafiee, Katayoun
Katayoun Shafiee - Associate Professor of Middle Eastern History
First Year Senior TutorOffice: Room 3.72, third floor, Faculty of Arts Building
Phone: 024 76150932, internal extension 50932
Term-Time Office Hours: Tuesdays 10:00-11:00 (via MS Teams) and Fridays 12:30-13:30 (in person)
Research Expertise: History of the Islamic World; Politics of Oil in the Middle East, specifically Iran; Infrastructures; Science and Technology Studies
Centres and Networks: Global History and Culture Centre- Shaw, Claire
Claire Shaw - Associate Professor of Modern Russian History
On Leave 2024/25Office: Room 3.39, third floor, Faculty of Arts Building
Phone: 024 76150550, internal extension 50550
Term-Time Office Hours: On Leave 2024/25
Research Expertise: The history of the Soviet Union, with a particular interest in the formation of Soviet identity and the history of marginal groups
Centres and Networks: Global History and Culture Centre- Simpson, Tom
Thomas Simpson - Associate Professor of Environmental History
Director of First Year StudiesOffice: Room 3.44, third floor, Faculty of Arts Building
Term-Time Office Hours: Mondays 14:00-15:00 and Tuesdays 12:30-13:30
Research Expertise: Environmental history, history of science, and imperial and colonial history.
Centres and Networks: Global History and Culture Centre; Centre for the History of Medicine- Smith, Benjamin
Benjamin Smith - Professor of Latin American History
Admissions TutorOffice: Room 3.19, third floor, Faculty of Arts Building
Phone: 024 76523422, internal extension 23422
Term-Time Office Hours: Mondays 13:00-14:00 and Wednesdays 11:00-12:00
Research Expertise: Modern Mexican history, particularly post-revolutionary state formation, and religion and popular conservatism
Centres and Networks: Comparative American Studies; Global History and Culture Centre; History of Violence Network- Smith, Elise
Elise Smith - Associate Professor of the History of Medicine
MA Course Convener (Medical History)
Office: Room 3.52, third floor, Faculty of Arts Building
Phone: 024 76575573, internal extension 75573
Term-Time Office Hours: Mondays 11:00-12:00 and Fridays 14:00-15:00
Research Expertise: The history of medicine in Britain and the British Empire during the modern period
Centres and Networks: Centre for the History of Medicine- Smyth, J. E.
J. E. Smyth - Professor of History
Office: Room 3.41, third floor, Faculty of Arts Building
Phone: 024 76523457, internal extension 23457
Term-Time Office Hours: Tuesdays 12:00-13:00 (via MS Teams) and Fridays 12:00-13:00 (in person)
Research Expertise: 19th & 20th century US cultural history, theatre history and cinema; film and historiography
Centres and Networks: Centre for Television History, Heritage and Memory Research; Comparative American Studies- Stein, Claudia
Claudia Stein - Reader in the History of Medicine and Science
Office: Room 3.18, third floor, Faculty of Arts Building
Phone: 024 76523428, internal extension 23428
Term-Time Office Hours: Wednesdays 12:00-13:00 and Thursdays 12:00-13:00
Research Expertise: Medicine and science in early modern Germany (1500-1800); enlightenment science and medicine, strategies of biopower (1800-today); visual culture and medicine (1500-today); the history of epistemology
Centres and Networks: Being Human Network; Centre for the History of Medicine; Eighteenth Century Centre; European History Research Centre; Global History and Culture Centre- Stone, Rebecca
Rebecca Stone - Associate Professor of United States History
Final Year Exams SecretaryOffice: Room 3.11, third floor, Faculty of Arts Building
Phone: 024 76150927, internal extension 50927
Email: R dot Stone dot 1 at warwick dot ac dot uk
Term-Time Office Hours: Wednesdays 10:00-11:00 and Fridays 11:00-12:00
Research Expertise: 20th Century USA with a research focuses on the interactions between education and governance
Centres and Networks: Comparative American Studies- Storer, Colin
Colin Storer - Associate Professor of Modern European History
On Study Leave 2024/25Office: Room 3.67, third floor, Faculty of Arts Building
Phone: 024 76523380, internal extension 23380
Term-Time Office Hours: On Study Leave 2024/25
Research Expertise: Anglo-German relations in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries; the Weimar Republic; European Cultural History in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries (especially popular/genre fiction, modernism, and media history)
Centres and Networks: European History Research Centre
- Thomson, Mathew
Mathew Thomson - Professor of Modern British History
Final Year Senior Tutor
Office: Room 3.69, third floor, Faculty of Arts Building
Phone: 024 76524725, internal extension 24725
Term-Time Office Hours: Tuesdays 15:00-16:00 and Fridays 13:00-14:00
Research Expertise: 19th and 20th century British history; history of social policy; psychology and eugenics
Centres and Networks: Centre for the History of Medicine; European History Research Centre; Oral History Network
- van Meersbergen, Guido
Guido van Meersbergen - Associate Professor of Early Modern Global History
Director of Global History & Culture CentreOffice: Room 3.73, third floor, Faculty of Arts Building
Phone: 024 765 22163, internal extension 22163
Term-Time Office Hours: Mondays 11:00-12:00 and Thursdays 11:00-12:00
Research Expertise: cross cultural trade and diplomacy in Indian Ocean world, activities of the European East India Companies
- Walton, Charles
Charles Walton - Reader in Modern European History
Director of European History Research Centre and Historiography coordinatorOffice: Room 3.48, third floor, Faculty of Arts Building
Phone: 024 76524421, internal extension 24421
Term-Time Office Hours: Mondays and Tuesdays 11:00 -12:00
Research Expertise: Ancient Regime, Enlightenment, Revolutionary France, democratisation, rights and duties, political and socio-economic justice