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Assessment and Contact Hours

Module questionnaire

A feedback questionnaire for this module was circulated at the end of the Autumn term. Click here for a summary of this feedback and for the lecturer's response to the feedback.


If you have not yet done so, please read the Warwick History undergraduate style guide for advice on how to present your long and short essays.


It is departmental policy that 'you may not copy work that you have already presented for a summative essay or dissertation in another piece of work.' This means that your exam essays must not use material that you have already used in your long essay. Nor may you use the same material in your two answers to the exam for this module.

This rule applies across modules, eg. if you answer a question on the scientific revolution in the 'European World' exam, you should be careful not to cover the same material in your answers to the HI296 exam.

This rule does not apply to your two short essays or to your two seminar presentations. You may use as much material as you like from these exercises in your long essay and in your exam essays.

Students are advised not to duplicate material across their presentations and short essays. One aim of these assignments is to broaden your knowledge of the course material in preparation for the exam. This aim will not be served if you (for example) copy and paste the text of a presentation into a short essay.

Formative assessment

Formative assessment, ie. work that will not count towards your final mark, comprises two short essays of 2,000 words each.

Formative assessments should be submitted on Tabula. You do not need to give a hard-copy to your tutor.

For both short essays, you will be invited to attend a 15-minute one-on-one feedback session soon after the essay has been marked.

Summative assessment

Summative assessment, ie. work that will count towards your final mark, comprises:

Visiting students

Visiting exchange students are assessed entirely by essays, the number and length of which is determined by the number of terms each student will attend the module. Please see the department's Assessment & Submission webpages for information regarding assessment requirement, submission instructions and deadlines.

Contact Hours

Student contact hours for this second-year option module are as follows:
Module duration: Twenty-two weeks
Lectures: Twenty one-hour lectures
Seminars: Twenty one-hour seminars, including revision sessions
Tutorials: Four hours of presentation feedback, essay feedback, and long essay preparation
Total: Forty-four hours