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Twentieth Century India: Colonialism, Democracy and Protest (HI297)


Tutor: Dr Aditya Sarkar
Office: Room H025, ground floor of the Humanities Building
Office Hours: Mondays 2 pm - 3 pm and Tuesdays 5.15 pm - 6.15 pm

Lecture Times: Mondays, 10-11 (A0.23)
Seminar Times: Mondays, 11-12 (S1.69) and 4 pm - 5 pm (H1.05)

This 30 CATS undergraduate second-year option module will introduce students to some of the more dominant and durable strains of Indian political mobilization in the twentieth century. It will explore Gandhian anti-colonialism, the nationalism of the Hindu Right, the politics of caste and anti-caste movements, left-led workers’ and peasants’ struggles, and the developmental nationalism of the post-colonial state. The module is divided into two parts. In the first term synoptic lectures and seminar discussions will be held on each of these strands of modern Indian politics. The second term will introduce students to individual political texts, written by figures representative of the traditions mentioned above, and will help orient students to both historical and contemporary debates. So the module is intended, simultaneously, as an introduction to traditions of politics which continue to be influential in India and as an introduction to the study of political ideologies and their defining texts.