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Seminar 5

Seminar 5: Helping Healthy Families In this seminar we will think about how the health, we will consider how the people’s health was improving over the course of the period, the changing relationship between the public and medical professionals, and the role of the family in ensuring the health of its members. We will also think about how issues such as gender, class and ethnicity influenced people’s experiences of sickness and health. Seminar/Essay Questions:
  1. Trace the state’s growing concern with the health of the family and its members from 1860-1950.
  2. ‘Health care, like child care, seems perennially to have been a female responsibility’. Discuss.
  3. Why was there increasing concern about child health in late nineteenth-century England?
  4. Has state intervention in health and welfare bolstered or undermined the family?
Seminar Reading: C. Webster, ‘Health, Welfare and Unemployment during the Depression’ Past and Present 109 (1985) 204-230. P. Thane ‘The Working Class and State ‘Welfare’ in Britain, 1890-1914’ The Historical Journal 27 (1984) 877-900. I. Zweiniger-Bargielowska, ‘Raising a Nation of Good Animals’, Raising a Nation of ‘Good Animals’: The New Health Society and Health Education Campaigns in Interwar Britain’, Social History of Medicine 20 (2007) 73–89. J. Lewis, ‘Family Provision of Health and Welfare in the Mixed Economy of Care in the late Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries’ Social History of Medicine 8 (1995) 1-16. M.W. Dupree, ‘Family Care and Hospital Care: the ‘Sick Poor’ in Nineteenth–Century Glasgow’ Social History of Medicine 6 (1993) 195-211. Additional Reading: P. Benner, ‘The Early Years of the National Health Service – An Insider’s View’, in A. Gorst, L. Johnman and W. Scott-Lucas (eds.), Post-War Britain, 1945-64, Themes and Perspectives (1989) 43-52. V. Berridge, Health and Society in Britain since 1939 (1999). A. Crowther, Social Policy in Britain 1914-39 (1988). A. Digby, British Welfare Policy: Workhouse to Workfare (1989). A. Digby and J. Stewart, Gender, Health and Welfare (1995). G. Finlayson, Citizen, State and Social Welfare in Britain 1830-1990 (1994). D. Fraser, The Evolution of the British Welfare State: A History of Social Policy since the Industrial Revolution (2003). D. Gladstone (ed), Before Beveridge: Welfare before the Welfare State (1999). A. Hardy, Health and Medicine in Britain since 1860 (2000). J.R. Hay, The Development of the British Welfare State, 1880-1975 (1975). H.M. Government, Social Insurance and Allied Services (The Beveridge Report) (1942). H. Jones, Health and Society in Twentieth-Century Britain (1994). K. Jones, The Making of Social Policy in Britain, 1830-1990 (1991). I. Levitt, Poverty and Welfare in Scotland, 1890-1948 (1989). J. Lewis, The Politics of Motherhood: Child and Maternal Welfare in England 1900-39 (1980). T. McKeown,, The Modern Rise of Population (1975). J. Macnichol, The Movement for Family Allowances, 1918-45 (1980). D. Porter, Health, Civilization and the State (1999). M. E. Rose, The Relief of Poverty, 1834-1914 (1972) B.S. Rowntree, Poverty and the Welfare State (1951). M. Spring Rice, Working-Class Wives: Their Health and Conditions (1939). S. Szreter, ‘The importance of social intervention in Britain’s mortality decline 1850–1914: A Reinterpretation’ Social History of Medicine 1988.

P. Thane, The Foundations of the Welfare State (1996).

M. Thomson, Psychological Subjects: Identity, Culture and Health in Twentieth-Century Britain (2006). R. Titmuss, Problems of Social Policy (1950). C. Webster, The National Health Service (1998). C. Webster (ed.), Caring for Health: History and Diversity (2001). J.M. Winter, ‘Unemployment, Nutrition and Infant Mortality in Britain, 1920–1950’ in J.M. Winter (ed.), The Working Class in Modern British History (1983).