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Module Details

Class presentations:

As part of the preparation for your seminars, you will be asked to prepare one short presentation. These will run in the classes from week 4 of term 1 up until the end of term 2, so you can choose a week that suits your interests. If possible, team up with others (max 3 presenters per presentation).This gives you a chance to explore your ideas with a small group of other students in your seminar group and then share them more widely with others.

Please read this before you start preparing your presentations: Guidance on in-class presentations

Some suggested participation activities:

Curating an exhibition. Field trip to the Casta paintings exhibition.

Digital/ statistical history. Telenovelas and historical dramas. Irish Adventurers in the Wars of Indpendence in Latin America.

You will also find some interesting work using Latin American sources from the MRC here:

Class participation reflective exercise, end of term 1:

During the last week of term 1, please take 10 minutes to fill in this reflective exercise on how you think your seminar contribution has been this term and return to your seminar tutor (Camillia or Rosie) by email. This isn't assessed, but it is a useful way of having a dialogue with your tutor about how your class participation is going and how we can work together to help you participate (even) more effectively next term!


History Single-Honours Students and First-Year Students from Other Departments

History students will be assessed on:

Seminar participation (10%)

1000-word essay plan (10%) (this can then form the basis for your 2000-word essay). Essay Plan Tips

2000 word essay or equivalent (30%). General essay tips here.

3000 word essay or equivalent: (50%) Tips and activities for editing written work.

Details of submission and feedback dates can be found on Tabula.

Visiting and Exchange Students [please also see UG Handbook for updates]:

Seminar participation (10%)

1000-word essay plan, 10% (this can then form the basis for your 2000-word essay, below)

2000-word essay (30%)

3000-word essay or equivalent (50%)

Details of submission and feedback dates can be found on Tabula.


The referencing and footnote style that the History Department prefers is MHRA. You will find a lot of useful information about essay writing, marking and assessment, marking criteria, deadlines, referencing, plagiarism etc. in the History Undergraduate HandbookLink opens in a new window