Seminar Questions
- To what extent does a discussion of women’s work change our interpretation of the industrial revolution?
- How does women’s roles as consumers amd producers contribute to the industrial/industrious revolution?
- Is the historiography of the industrial revolution too male-centred?
- Does work become more gender segregated with industrialisation?
Key Reading
Maxine Berg, ‘What Difference did Women’s Work make to the Industrial Revolution?’ History Workshop Journal (1993)
Katrina Honeyman, Women, Gender and Industrialisation in England, 1700-1870, chs. 1 - 3 (7 copies in libray - HQ1599.E54 H66)
See also Susie Steinbach, Women in England, 1760-1914, chapters 1 and 2
Modern Records Centre archives on employment (mostly late 19th/early 20th century)
Further Reading
Joyce Burnett, Gender, Work and Wages in Industrial Revolution Britain
Articles by Amy Froide, Claudia Goldin, Jane Humphries , and Anne McCants in Social Science History, 2009
Nigel Goose, 'Women's work in industrial England', Local Population Studies, 2007 (supplement)
Sheryllynne Haggerty, 'Women, work and the consumer revolution', in John Benson and Laura Ugolini (eds), A nation of shopkeepers (London, 2002)
Sara Horrell and Jane Humphries, ‘Women’s Labour Force Participation and the Transition to the Male-Breadwinner Family, 1790-1865’, Economic History Review 48, (1995)
Jane Humphries, ‘Lurking in the Wings...Women in the Historiography of the Industrial Revolution’, Business and Economic History, 20 (1991)
Jane Humphries, 'The lure of the aggregates and the pitfalls of the patriarchal perspective', Economic History Review, 2013
Pat Hudson, ‘Women and Industrialisation’ in June Purvis (ed.), Women’s History: Britain, 1850-1945
Pamela Sharpe, Adapting to Capitalism. Working Women in the English Economy 1700-1850