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Lecture notes (week nine): Anti-Authoritarianism

PowerPoint Anti-Authoritarianism lecture 2005/6 (PM)

PowerPoint Anti-Authoritarianism lecture 2006/7 (BP)


Protest and Terrorism (1966-91)

1 Dec. 1966 Grand Coalition formed between CDU/CSU-SPD

Dec. 1966 APO founded ; `Vietnam Week' in Berlin

2 June 1967 Benno Ohnesorg shot dead at anti-Shah demo in Berlin

30 Jan. 1968 Vietcong's Tet offensive against USA begins in Vietnam

Feb. 1968 Vietnam Congress at Technical University, Berlin

2-3 Apr 1968 Baader and Meinhof firebomb Frankfurt department store

11 Apr. 1968 Assassination attempt on Rudi Dutschke

30 May 1968 Emergency Laws passed in Bundestag

14 May 1970 Red Army Faction born out of Baader-Meinhof gang

May 1970 SDS dissolves itself

1972 Bundesverband Bürgerinitiativen Umweltschutz founded

June 1972 Baader and others arrested

1974 von Drenkmann, Pres. of Berlin Superior Court, shot dead

1975 Peter Lorenz (Berlin CDU leader) kidnapped but released

Apr. 1975 RAF enters West German embassy in Stockholm, killing one

Dec. 1975 RAF occupies OPEC hotel in Geneva

5 Sept 1977 Hanns Martin Schleyer, Employers' leader, kidnapped

13 Oct. 1977 RAF & PLO hijack Lufthansa jet - lands in Mogadishu

17 Oct. 1977 Plane stormed by GSG 9 and passengers freed

18 Oct. 1977 Baader, Ensslin & Raspe commit suicide in Stammheim

Schleyer is murdered in retaliation

1979 Greens stand in first European elections

1983 Greens enter Bundestag - protests over Pershing IIs

30 Nov. 1989 Alfred Herrhausen, head of Deutsche Bank, blown up

Dec. 1990 Decisive defeat for Greens in first all-German elections

1 Apr. 1991 Detlev Rohwedder, head of Treuhand, shot dead