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Weimar Germany

Power Point lecture: Golden Twenties - Foreign Policy 

Lecture 7

Lecture 8

Lecture 9

Lecture 10


Weimar Germany (1918-1933)

10 Nov. 1918 Formation of the Council of People's Deputies

15 Jan. 1919 Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg murdered by Freikorps

19 Jan. 1919 Elections to the National Assembly

6 Feb. 1919 Opening of the National Assembly in Weimar

11 Feb. 1919 Friedrich Ebert (SPD) becomes 1st Reich President

13 Feb.-20 June

1919 Government coalition under Philipp Scheidemann (SPD)

21 June 1919 Gustav Bauer (SPD) becomes Reich Chancellor

28 June 1919 Signing of the Peace Settlement of Versailles

11 Aug. 1919 Weimar Reich constitution in force

10 Jan. 1920 Versailles Treaty comes into force

13-16 Mar 1920 Kapp Putsch when rightists attempt to seize power in Berlin

27 Mar. 1920 Hermann Müller (SPD) becomes Reich Chancellor

6 June 1920 1st Reichstag elections (losses for SPD-Centre-DDP)

25 June 1920 Konstantin Fehrenbach (Centre) becomes Reich Chancellor

27 Apr. 1921 Setting of reparations at 132 billion gold marks

10 May 1921 Joseph Wirth (Centre) becomes Reich Chancellor

26 Aug. 1921 Ex-finance minister Matthias Erzberger murdered by rightists

16 Apr. 1922 Rapallo Treaty between Germany and the Soviet Union

24 June 1922 Foreign Minister Walther Rathenau assassinated in his car

22 Nov. 1922 Wilhelm Cuno (no party) becomes Reich Chancellor

11 Jan. 1923 Ruhr Occupation by France and Belgium to ensure reparations

13 Jan.-26 Sept.

1923 Passive resistance by Ruhr workers and authorities

13 Aug. 1923 Gustav Stresemann (DVP) becomes Reich Chancellor

8-9 Nov. 1923 Failed Hitler Putsch in Munich together with Ludendorff

15 Nov. 1923 Introduction of the Rentenmark and ending of hyperinflation

30 Nov. 1923 Wilhelm Marx (Centre) becomes Reich Chancellor

29 Aug. 1924 Dawes Plan to schedule reparations accepted by Reichstag

15 Jan. 1925 Hans Luther (no party) becomes Reich Chancellor

26 Apr. 1925 Election of von Hindenburg as 2nd Reich President

14 July 1925 Beginning of Allied withdrawal from Ruhrgebiet

16 Oct. 1925 Locarno Treaty guarantees Franco-German borders

24 Apr. 1926 German-Soviet Friendship Treaty

26 May 1926 Wilhelm Marx (Centre) becomes Reich Chancellor again

8 Sept. 1926 Acceptance of Germany into the League of Nations

10 Dec. 1926 Nobel peace prize for Foreign Minister Stresemann

28 June 1928 Hermann Müller (SPD) becomes Reich Chancellor again

27 Aug. 1928 Signing of the Kellogg Pact

25 Oct. 1929 Wall Street Crash and onset of the world depression

12 Mar. 1930 Ratification of the Young Plan to attenuate reparations

29 Mar. 1930 Heinrich Brüning (Centre) becomes Reich Chancellor

30 June 1930 Early withdrawal of the Allies from the Rhineland

14 Sept. 1930 Reichstag elections - NSDAP becomes 2nd largest party

11 Oct. 1931 Herzburg Front formed between traditionalist and Nazi right

10 Apr. 1932 Re-election of von Hindenburg as Reich President

1 June 1932 Franz von Papen (Centre) becomes Reich Chancellor

9 July 1932 Conference of Lausanne ends reparations definitively

6 Nov. 1932 Reichstag elections in which NSDAP votes drop

3 Dec. 1932 General Kurt von Schleicher becomes Reich Chancellor