For assessment deadlines, see the Undergraduate Handbook.
- Seminar contribution (10%)
- 1500 word blog post (40%)
- 3000 word essay (50%)
NB Each assessed element will be marked according to the standard assessment criteria. Students should ensure that they follow the MHRA style guide carefully, especially for the presentation of the footnotes and the bibliography.
Seminar contribution
Seminar participation and engagement is assessed by submission of a short (c. 500 words) reflective piece. You can reflect on the whole module or just a part of it. The assignment should address your input into the module and what you achieved and contributed to it. It is not a quantitative assessment about how much you talked or read or the number of questions answered and it does not just cover ‘oral’ contributions but contributions to the asynchronous activities and participation more broadly. The marking criteria for how seminar participation/engagement is assessed in the student handbook.
1500 word blog post
Try and avoid writing a biography. Consider your chosen individual's contribution in the wider context of the international community's perspective on unification (as participants, observers, tourists, journalists etc). Ensure you include links or references to historical analysis and scholarship where appropriate.
Elizabeth Crawford, a historical researcher, writer and book dealer has an extensive blog (Women and her Sphere) covering her wide-ranging interests. One of these is Women and Italy. In this post she writes of what 'sweet freedom' might have meant for British women residing in nineteenth-century Italy:
Interestingly both posts focus on the idea of freedom which you may wish to think about.
You should submit your blog post via Tabula.
3000 word essay
The essay may be on any topic you choose connected with the module. For more information on writing the essay including the marking criteria, see here.
Feedback on assessment
- written feedback
- student/tutor dialogues in one-to-one tutorials
- written feedback and reports on presentations
- informal interim feedback on progress in seminars