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Charitable Institutions

Ball, J.G., ‘Poverty, charity and the Greek community’ Studi veneziani, n.s., 6 (1982).

Bamji, Alexandra, 'Medical Care in Early Modern VeniceLink opens in a new window', Economic History Working Paper Series , 188 (2014).

Bamji, Alexandra, 'Medical Care in Early Modern Venice,' Journal of Social History 49 (2016), 483-509.

Black, C.F., Italian Confraternities in the Sixteenth Century (Cambridge, 1989)

Chojnacka, M., ‘Women, Charity and Community in Early Modern Venice: The Casa delle Zitelle’Link opens in a new window, Renaissance Quarterly 51 (1998), 68-91.

Crawshaw, J. S., 'Families, Medical Secrets and Public Health in Early Modern VeniceLink opens in a new window', Renaissance Studies 28 (2014), 597–618

D'Andrea, David, 'Charity and Confraternities', in Eric R. Dursteler (ed.), A Companion to Venetian History 1400-1797(Leiden, 2013), pp. 421-48.

Iordanou, Ioanna, 'Pestilence, Poverty, and Provision: Re-evaluating the Role of the Popolani in Early Modern VeniceLink opens in a new window,' The Economic History Review 69 (2016), 801-22.

Köster, Gabriele, 'Venerable Tradition or Reprehensible Luxury? A Scandal about Processional Display in the Scuola Grande di San Rocco', Confratenitas 21/2 (2010), 31-42

McGough, Laura, ‘Women, private property, and the limitations of state authority in early modern Venice’Link opens in a new window, Journal of Women’s History 14.3 (2002), 32–52. Project Muse

MacKenney, Richard, Venice as the Polity of Mercy: Guilds, Confraternities, and the Social Order, c. 1250-c. 1650Link opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window (Toronto, 2019), Chapter 5.

Mercuriale, Girolamo, On Pestilence: A Renaissance Treatise on Plague, ed. and trans. Craig Martin (Philadelphia, 2021)

Mueller, R., ‘Charitable institutions, the Jewish community and Venetian society’, Studi veneziani 14 (1972)

Muir, Edward, Civic Ritual in Renaissance Venice (Princeton, 1981)

Nichols, Tom, ‘Secular Charity, Sacred Poverty: Picturing the Poor in Renaissance VeniceLink opens in a new window’, Art History 30 (2007), 139-69.

Palmer, R.J., The Control of Plague in Venice and Northern Italy 1348-1600Link opens in a new window, PhD Thesis, University of Kent, 1978.

Pullan, Brian, Rich and Poor in Renaissance Venice: the Social Institutions of a Catholic State to 1620Link opens in a new window (Oxford, 1971).

Romano, Dennis, ‘Charity and Community in Early Renaissance Venice’, Journal of Urban History 11 (1984), 63-81.

Romano, Dennis, Patricians and Popolani: The Social Foundations of the Venetian Renaissance State (Baltimore, 1987)

Stevens Crawshaw, Jane L., Plague Hospitals: Public Health for the City in Early Modern Venice (Abingdon, 2012)

Wurthmann, W.B., ‘The Council of Ten and the Scuole Grandi in early Renaissance Venice’, Studi veneziani, n.s., 18 (1989).

See also the articles in the special issue of Confraternitas 21/2 (2010), 'Scuola for Scandal: Controversies over Artistic Patronage and Charity in Venetian Confraternities'Link opens in a new window