Imaging War - Imagining the Nation: Conference programme
n.b. Friday night accommodation available in Arden - please see details on conference home page.
Please note that this programme is subject to last-minute revisions. For further details please use the Enquiries link on the home page.
Saturday 30 May
09.00 Registration (H2.05)
Panel 1 (H2.03):
10.00 Welcome from Ian Roberts and Andrew Plowman
10.20 James Hodkinson (Warwick), 'The Germanic Soldier and the Mirror of the Orient: Constructions of Difference in National and Transnational contexts, 1830-1918'.
10.40 Barbara Burns (Glasgow), 'Bertha von Suttner (1843-1914): Imaging War to Promote Peace'.
11.00 Matteo Pretelli (Warwick), 'Memorialising Allied soldiers of Italian descent'.
11.30 Coffee & informal discussions
12.30 Lunch
Panel 2 (H2.03):
14.00 Mattia Roveri (St. Andrews), 'The ambivalent imagery of Italian soldiers: a study of contrasts in G. Verga'.
14.20 Rhian Atkin (Cardiff), 'Portuguese men of war: the male body in World War One'.
14.40 Helmut Schmitz (Warwick), 'Historicist Immersion - Unsere Mütter Unsere Väter and the Ubiquity of Trauma'.
15.30 Coffee
Panel 3 (H2.03):
16.00 Clara Cotroneo (Bangor), 'Others and identity in Italian counter-Resistance literature'.
16.20 Owen Evans (Edgehill), 'A Generation of Victims?: Tackling Normalisation in Unsere Mütter, unsere Väter/Generation War (Kolditz, 2013)'.
1700 Wine reception (H2.09)
1930 Conference dinner (Arden)
Sunday 31 May
Panel 4 (H2.03):
10.00 Tom Smith (UCL), 'Looking Beyond the Ideal: GDR Military Masculinities Reimagined'.
10.20 Jennifer Wood (NUI Galway), 'Framing the Soldier in the Falklands / Malvinas Conflict'.
10.40 Coffee
Panel 5 (H2.03):
11.00 Richard Macguire (UEA), 'From The Story of GI Joe (1945) to American Sniper (2014): The response to military movies and the failure to understand the ethical challenge of modern military operations'.
11.20 Andrew Plowman (Liverpool), '"Wir Deutschen haben jetzt ein Veteranenproblem" (Us Germans have a problem with veterans now): Military Memoirs of the Bundeswehr in Afghanistan'.
12.00 Plenary Discussions – the way forward
Selection of sandwiches, bottled drinks etc available to eat in H2.02 or to take away!