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  1. Manzoni gotico. Tre itinerari illegali ne "I promessi sposi" (Pisa: ETS, forthcoming 2024)
  2. Spettri familiari. Letteratura e metapsichica nel secondo Novecento Italiano (Milan: Unicopli, 2024)
  3. The Portrait of Beatrice. Dante, D.G. Rossetti, and the Imaginary Lady (Notre Dame: Notre Dame University Press, 2019)
  4. Italia lunare. Gli anni Sessanta e l’occulto (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2018)
  5. Guida alla letteratura gotica (Bologna, Odoya, 2018)
  6. Leopardi’s Nymphs. Grace, Melancholy, and the Uncanny (Oxford: Legenda, 2013)
  7. Classicism and Romanticism in Italian Literature. Leopardi’s ‘Discourse on Romantic Poetry’ (London: Pickering & Chatto, 2013; 2nd New York: Routledge, 2016)
  8. Beatrice nell’inferno di Londra. Saggio su Dante Gabriel Rossetti (Lavis (TN): La Finestra, 2005)


Editions and translations

  1. Spettriana. Storie di fantasmi dell'antica Europa, ed. and transl. by Fabio Camilletti (Milan: ABEditore, 2022)
  2. Charlotte Ann Moberly and Eleanor Jourdain, Il sogno della Regina in Rosso (An Adventure), ed. and transl. by Fabio Camilletti (Milan: ABEditore, 2021)
  3. La casa infestata di Place du Lion d’Or. Storia di una storia di fantasmi, and transl. by Fabio Camilletti (Milan: ABEditore, 2020)
  4. John W. Polidori and Lord Byron, Vampiri e altri parassiti, and transl. by Fabio Camilletti (Rome: Nova Delphi, 2019)
  5. Mary Shelley, Il primo Frankenstein, ed. and transl. by Fabio Camilletti (Rome: Nova Delphi, 2018)
  6. Friedrich Schiller, Il visionario, transl. by Giovanni Berchet, ed. by Fabio Camilletti and Mariano Tomatis (Rome: Nova Delphi, 2017)
  7. Jean-Baptiste Benoît Eyriès et al., Fantasmagoriana, ed. and transl. by Fabio Camilletti (Rome: Nova Delphi, 2015)
  8. (with Gabrielle Sims) Giacomo Leopardi, ‘Discourse of an Italian on Romantic Poetry’, in Fabio Camilletti, Classicism and Romanticism in Italian Literature (London: Pickering & Chatto, 2013)


Edited volumes and special issues

  1. Almanacco dell’Italia occulta, ed. by Fabio Camilletti and Fabrizio Foni (Bologna: Odoya, 2022)
  2. Almanacco dell’orrore popolare, ed. by Fabio Camilletti and Fabrizio Foni (Bologna: Odoya, 2021)
  3. Purgatori della letteratura italiana, ed. by Fabio Camilletti, Quaderni d’Italianistica, 41: 2 (2020)
  4. Archaeology of the Unconscious: Italian Perspectives, ed. by Fabio Camilletti and Alessandra Aloisi (New York: Routledge, 2020)
  5. L’uomo che credeva nei vampiri. La vita e le opere di Emilio De Rossignoli, ed. by Massimiliano Boschini, Fabio Camilletti, and Anna Preianò (Rome: Profondo Rosso, 2018)
  6. Rome: Modernity, Postmodernity and Beyond, ed. by Lesley Caldwell and Fabio Camilletti (Oxford: Legenda, 2018)
  7. Have the Fireflies Disappeared? Cultural Legacies and Apocalyptic Imaginary in 21st-Century Representations of Rome, ed. by Fabio Camilletti and Filippo Trentin, Forum Italicum, 50: 1 (2016), pp. 162-243
  8. Ten Steps. Critical Inquiries on Leopardi, ed. by Fabio Camilletti and Paola Cori (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2015)
  9. Trans-National Gothic 1764-1831, by Fabio Camilletti, Compar(a)ison. An International Journal of Comparative Literature, 1-2 (2015)
  10. I leoni di Roma. ‘L’Orologio’ di Carlo Levi, la sopravvivenza e la compresenza dei tempi, ed. by Fabio Camilletti and Filippo Trentin, Rivista di letteratura, 17: 42 (2015)
  11. Hauntings II: Uncanny Figures and Twilight Zones, ed. by Fabio Camilletti, Martin Doll, Rupert Gaderer, Jan Niklas Howe, and Catherine Smale, Image & Narrative, 13: 1 (2012)
  12. Phantasmata: Techniken des Unheimlichen, ed. by Fabio Camilletti, Martin Doll, Rupert Gaderer, and Jan Niklas Howe (Vienna-Berlin: Turia + Kant, 2011)
  13. Metamorphosing Dante. Appropriations, Manipulations, and Rewritings in the Twentieth and Twenty-first Centuries, a ed. by Manuele Gragnolati, Fabio Camilletti, and Fabian Lampart (Vienna-Berlin: Turia + Kant, 2010)
  14. Hauntings I: Narrating the Uncanny, ed. by Fabio Camilletti, Martin Doll, Rupert Gaderer, Jan Niklas Howe, and Catherine Smale, Image & Narrative, 11: 3 (2010)


Journal articles

  1. ‘Fantascienza e ufologia nell’opera di Inisero Cremaschi, Gilda Musa e Giuseppe Pederiali, 1967-1978’, Italian Studies (under consideration)
  2. ‘Il medium di Buzzati. Spiritismo e meccaniche della paura nel reportage In cerca dell’Italia misteriosa’, Italianistica (under consideration)
  3. 'Voci dall'aldilà. Paura e leggende metropolitane nel Buzzati giornalista', Studi buzzatiani (forthcoming 2022)
  4. ‘“Dietro le porte”: “Lo spavento notturno” di Giacomo Leopardi, i terrori della notte e la morte in culla tra “errori popolari” e nosologia medica’, Quaderni d’Italianistica (forthcoming 2022)
  5. ‘Onryō a Pavia: gotico padano, parapsicologia e Techno-Horror in un romanzo di Mino Milani’, Italian Studies, 77: 1 (2022), 80-94
  6. Hantologia e fantarcheologia in Medium di Giuseppe Genna’, Narrativa, 43 (2021), 127-39
  7. ‘Fantastico e naturalismo nelle “Leggende del castello nero”’, La questione romantica, 13: 1/2 (January-December 2021), 61-70
  8. ‘Don Rodrigo, Don Giovanni e l’oltraggio ai morti: percorsi purgatoriali ne I promessi sposi’, Quaderni d’Italianistica, 41: 2 (2020), 162-74
  9. ‘A Note on the Publication History of John Polidori’s The Vampyre’, Gothic Studies, 22: 3 (2020), 330-343
  10. ‘A Haunted House in Lille: Genealogy, Transmission, and Metamorphoses of a Ghost Story in the Long Nineteenth Century’, Rivista di Studi Vittoriani, XXIV: 48 (2019), 35-58
  11. ‘Dismembered Bodies, Dismembered Texts: Supernatural Anthologies and the Re-animation of the Dead in Post-revolutionary France (1802-1822)’, Enthymema, 24 (2019), 18-42
  12. ‘Guerre, sequestri e tavolette ouija: contributo a una storia parapsicologica del Novecento italiano’, The Italianist, 39: 1 (April 2019), 1-14
  13. ‘Melissa, o la realtà dei fantasmi’, Caietele Echinox, 35 (2018), 323-33
  14. ‘From Villa Diodati to Villa Gabrielli: A Manuscript Appendix to Fantasmagoriana’, Gothic Studies, 20: 1-2 (2018), 214-26
  15. ‘Authorship and Authority in the Classicist/Romantic Quarrel’, Forum for Modern Language Studies, 54: 3 (2018), 307-19
  16. ‘Il giallo all’italiana e la parapsicologia’, Bianco & Nero, 587 (2017), 66-76
  17. ‘Vitæ Novæ per la modernità: stilnovismo ed erranza del desiderio in Delfini e Celati’, The Italianist, 36: 1 (2016), 1-17
  18. ‘Il sorriso del conte zio. Manzoni, Sade e l’omaggio alla Vergine’, Enthymema, 14 (2016), 231-46
  19. ‘Gertrude e il Nome del Padre’, Italian Studies, 71: 1 (2016), 82-97
  20. ‘Tempo del calendario, tempo del flâneur: Leopardi, Benjamin, Levi’, Poetiche, 17: 42 (2015), 25-52
  21. ‘Beyond the Uncanny: Fantasmagoriana, Intertextuality, and the Pleasure Principle’, Compar(a)ison. An International Journal of Comparative Literature, 1-2 (2015), 61-81
  22. ‘“Timore” e “terrore” nella polemica classico-romantica: l’Italia e il ripudio del gotico’, Italian Studies, 69: 2 (2014), 231-45
  23. Urszenen: Dream Logic and Myth in the First Page of Leopardi’s Zibaldone’, Italian Studies, 67: 1 (2012), 60-73
  24. ‘Petrarchismo, ‘Phantasie’ e costruzione della soggettività in Leopardi’, Rivista internazionale di studi leopardiani, 7 (2011), 1-16
  25. ‘Il passo di Nerina. Memoria, storia e formule di pathos nelle Ricordanze’, Italianistica, 39: 2 (2010), 41-66
  26. ‘Present Perfect: Time and the Uncanny in American Science and Horror Fiction of the 1970s (Finney, Matheson, King)’, Image & Narrative, 11: 3 (2010), 25-41
  27. ‘Veils. A Reading of Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s “St Agnes of Intercession”’, Ravenna, III (2010) (online:
  28. ‘“On pleure les lèvres absentes”. “Amor di lontano” tra Leopardi e Baudelaire’, Italian Studies, 64: 1 (2009), 77-90
  29. ‘La Muse antimoderne. La Béatrice de Dante dans la culture bourgeoise de la fin du dix-neuvième siècle’, Silène. Littérature et poétique comparées (2006) (online:
  30. ‘I sospiri della santa. La donna e la malinconia nell’opera di Dante Gabriel Rossetti dalla “Blessed Damozel” a Bocca Baciata’, Contemporanea, 3 (2005), 77-83
  31. ‘“The Golden Veil”. Purezza e malinconia in un racconto di Dante Gabriel Rossetti’, Rivista di Studi Vittoriani, 7: 15 (2003), 77-93
  32. ‘La morta, l’amante e il dio. Il dio d’Amore nell’opera di Dante Gabriel Rossetti’, Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, 7: 2 (2002), 399-425

Book chapters

  1. ‘1766-1827: The Winter Is Coming’, in Italian Gothic: An Edinburgh Companion, ed. by Marco Malvestio and Stefano Serafini (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, accepted, forthcoming 2022)
  2. ‘Comics and the Gothic, 1969-1992’, in Italian Gothic: An Edinburgh Companion, ed. by Marco Malvestio and Stefano Serafini (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, accepted, forthcoming 2022)
  3. ‘Carlotta’s Ghost’, in A Gaping Wound: Mourning in Italian Poetry, ed. by Adele Bardazzi, Francesco Giusti, and Emanuela Tandello (Oxford: Legenda, accepted, forthcoming 2022)
  4. ‘Spettri di Dante’, introduction to Dante Alighieri, Purgatorio, ed. by Anna Maria Chiavacci Leonardi (Milan: Mondadori, 2021), pp. 5-13
  5. ‘I preraffaelliti’, in La Commedia di Dante nello specchio delle immagini, ed. by Lina Bolzoni (Rome: Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, 2021), pp. 477-99
  6. La misteriosa fiamma della regina Loana di Umberto Eco, da Dante a Flash Gordon’, in Dante trash. Sulla desacralizzazione della Commedia nella cultura contemporanea, ed. by Stefano Lazzarin (Manziana: Vecchiarelli, 2021), pp. 81-94
  7. (with Alessandra Diazzi) ‘Conscience, Consciousness, the Unconscious. The Italian Subject and Psychoanalysis’, in Transnational Italian Studies, ed. by Charles Burdett and Loredana Polezzi (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2020), pp. 309-326
  8. ‘The Living Dead and the Dying Living: Zombies, Politics, and the “Reflux” in Italian Culture, 1977-1983’, in Posthumanism in Italian Literature and Film. Boundaries and Identity, ed. by Enrica Maria Ferrara (Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020), pp. 255-273.
  9. ‘Leopardi’s Night (T)errors, the Uncanny, and the “Old Wives’ Tales”’, in Archaeology of the Unconscious: Italian Perspectives, ed. by Fabio Camilletti and Alessandra Aloisi (New York: Routledge, 2020), pp. 67-85
  10. ‘Doctor in Slaughter: Emilio De Rossignoli’s Dialectic of the Enlightenment’, in The Years of Alienation in Italy. Factory and Asylum Between the Economic Miracle and the Years of Lead, ed. by Alessandra Diazzi and Alvise Sforza Tarabochia (Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019), pp. 61-75
  11. ‘Fantasmi delle pianure: Gianni Celati, il folclore contemporaneo e l’orrore popolare’, in Vecchi maestri e nuovi mostri. Tendenze e prospettive della narrativa horror dell’inizio del nuovo millennio, ed. by Marco Malvestio and Valentina Sturli (Milan: Mimesis, 2019), 17-34
  12. ‘Later Reception from 1481 to the Present’, in The Cambridge Companion to Dante’s Commedia, ed. by Zygmunt G. Baránski and Simon Gilson (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019), pp. 259-70
  13. ‘Il romanzo inglese nell’Ottocento italiano’, in Il romanzo in Italia, ed. by Giancarlo Alfano and Francesco de Cristofaro, 4 vols. (Rome: Carocci, 2018), vol. II, 247-56
  14. (with Martina Piperno) ‘L’antico e il moderno’, in Leopardi, ed. by Franco D’Intino and Massimo Natale (Rome: Carocci, 2018), 257-81
  15. ‘Leopardi, la biblioteca e la voce degli antichi’, in Il dialogo creativo. Studi per Lina Bolzoni, ed. by Maria Pia Ellero, Matteo Residori, Massimiliano Rossi, and Andrea Torre (Lucca: Maria Pacini Fazzi, 2018), pp. 369-79
  16. ‘Italians and the Irrational’, in Echoing Voices in Italian Literature. Tradition and Translation in the 20th Century, ed. by Teresa Franco and Cecilia Piantanida (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2018), pp. 159-79
  17. ‘La Sposa, Arsène, o la Biblioteca’, in Jolanda & Co. Le donne pericolose, ed. by Fabrizio Foni and Franco Pezzini (La Spezia: Cut-Up, 2017), pp. 217-47
  18. ‘Lo Pseudo-Longino, Montesquieu e l’alchimia dell’effetto poetico nello Zibaldone’, in Leopardi e la traduzione, ed. by Chiara Pietrucci (Florence: Olschki, 2017), pp. 367-82
  19. ‘Towards an Archaeology of Italian Modernity. Re-thinking the Classicist/Romantic Quarrel’, in The Formation of a National Audience in Italy, 1750–1890. Readers and Spectators of Italian Culture, ed. by Gabriella Romani and Jennifer Burns (Madison (NJ): Farleigh Dickinson University Press, 2017), pp. 101-116
  20. (with Martina Piperno) ‘Sopravvivenze dell’antico. Il mito nella polemica classico-romantica’, in Le mythe repensé dans l'œuvre de Giacomo Leopardi, ed. by Perle Abbrugiati (Aix-en-Provence: Presses Universitaires de Provence, 2016), pp. 83-99
  21. ‘Leopardi avec Sade. Impotence and “jouissance” in “La ginestra”’, in Ten Steps. Critical Inquiries on Leopardi, ed. by Fabio Camilletti and Paola Cori (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2015), pp. 205-25
  22. ‘Origine/Primitivo’, in Lessico leopardiano 2014, ed. by Novella Bellucci, Franco D’Intino, and Stefano Gensini (Rome: Sapienza Università Editrice, 2015), pp. 107-112
  23. ‘Tassara, arte funeraria e decadenza dell’aura’, in Giovanni Battista Tassara. L’arte, l’utopia, la tecnica, ed. by Maria Grazia Pancaldi (Macerata: Archivio di Stato di Macerata, 2013), pp. 35-40
  24. ‘Dante painting an Angel: Image-making, Double-oriented Sonnets and Dissemblance in Vita Nuova xxxiv’, in Desire in Dante and the Middle Ages, ed. by Manuele Gragnolati, Tristan Kay, Elena Lombardi, and Francesca Southerden (Oxford: Legenda, 2012), pp. 71-84
  25. ‘Ninfa fiorentina. The Falling of Beatrice, from Florence to Modern Metropolis’, in Dante in the Nineteenth Century: Reception, Portrayal, Popularization, ed. by Nick Havely (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2012), pp. 117-35
  26. ‘Voltaires Verwirrung’, in Phantasmata: Techniken des Unheimlichen, ed. by Fabio Camilletti, Martin Doll, Rupert Gaderer, and Jan Niklas Howe (Vienna-Berlin: Turia + Kant, 2011), pp. 185-203
  27. ‘Human Desire, Deadly Love. The Vita Nova in Gide, Delay, Lacan’, in Metamorphosing Dante. Appropriations, Manipulations, and Rewritings in the Twentieth and Twenty-first Centuries, ed. by Manuele Gragnolati, Fabio Camilletti, and Fabian Lampart (Vienna-Berlin: Turia + Kant, 2010), pp. 177-200
  28. ‘D.G. Rossetti tra “religione della mente” e decostruzione dell’Io’, in I Rossetti e l'Italia, ed. by Gianni Oliva and Mirko Menna (Lanciano: Carabba, 2010), pp. 333-57
  29. ‘Oblique Gazes. The “Je ne sais quoi” and the Uncanny as Forms of Undecidability in post-Enlightenment Aesthetics’, in Tension/Spannung, ed. by Christoph Holzhey (Vienna-Berlin: Turia + Kant, 2010), pp. 73-93
  30. ‘Dante’s Vita Nova and the Victorians: the Hidden Image Behind Rossetti’s Giotto Painting the Portrait of Dante’, in The Victorians and Italy. Literature, Travel, Politics and Art, ed. by Alessandro Vescovi, Luisa Villa, and Paul Vita (Monza: Polimetrica, 2009), pp. 181-92