Curriculum Vitae
I hold a PhD in Italian Studies which was issued by the University of Warwick. My doctoral thesis looked at the cultural transfer in the English translations of plays by the Neapolitan playwright Eduardo De Filippo (1900-1984). My research interests include translational issues related to the representation of minority languages, with special interest in Neapolitan dialect, focusing on the neo-colonialist trend in the portrayal of subaltern cultures. Building on my PhD study, I have furthered my research interests to the problems related to the transfer of cultural values from minority cultures into dominant ones looking at theatrical representations of marginalized voices such as women, disabled and Romany communities in Italy. I have also explored the issue of dialect and power, from a theatrical perspective, looking at the relevance of stage language in establishing cultural hegemony. I have recently published a co-edited a book on theatre with the title Differences on Stage, with Prof Paolo Puppa from the University of Venice Ca’ Foscari and Dr Paola Toninato from the University of Warwick. I am now exploring issues of motherhood and myth in ancient and contemporary theatre. I am the co-founder of the Interneational Network of Italian Theatre (INIT), the first global platform for theatre scholars and practitioners.
- 2010 PhD in Italian Studies (University of Warwick)
- 2006 MA in Italian Studies: Culture and Communication (University of Warwick)
- 1999 Certificate in Italian Language Teaching to Adults (C.L.T.A.) at International House, London (issued by the University of Cambridge)
- 1986 Proficiency Certificate in English (issued by the University of Cambridge)
- 1984 First Class Degree in Law with Honours (L.L.B. Hons)) (Università Federico II, Naples)
- 2006 - Member of the Society for Italian Studies (SIS)
- 2006 - Member of the Association for the Study of Modern Italy (ASMI)
- 2010 - Member of the International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies (IATIS)
- 2010 - Member of the Neapolitan Network (University of Cambridge)
- 2005 Training in Race Relations and Disability Awareness (North Kingston Centre, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey)
- 2006 Graduate Skills Programme for Arts and Social Studies, Training in: Time management, Project management, Networking, Team work, Communication skills, Assertiveness, Motivation, Confidence building (University of Warwick)
- 2007 Graduate School Skills Programme: Voice training (University of Warwick)
- 2005 – Present Language and Translation Skills Tutor, Modern Italian Language I, Advanced (Department of Italian, University of Warwick)
- 2005-06 Tutor in Translation Skills, Modern Italian Language, Advanced (Department of Italian, University of Warwick)
- 2005-06 Language Tutor, Language and Institutions, (Department of Italian, University of Warwick)
- 2005-06 Tutor in Translation Skills, Modern Italian Language II (Department of Italian, University of Warwick)
- 2003-05 Language Tutor in Italian (New Malden Centre, New Malden, Surrey)
- 2000-03 Language Tutor in Italian (North Kingston Centre, Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey)
- 1999-00 Language Tutor in Italian (Merton Adult College, London)
- 2005-2009 Bursary (University of Warwick)
- 2008 Funding of Conference: Languages at Play: Theatre Translation as Cultural Transfer (the Capital Centre, University of Warwick)
- 2010 Roberts’ Funding of Conference: Translating theatre: Migrating Text(s) (University of Warwick, June 2010 – co-applicant)
- 2010 Roberts’ Funding of Conference: Empowering Marginalized Voices in Theatre: The Case of Italy and Beyond (University of Warwick, May 2011- main applicant)
- 2011 Roberts’ Fund Travel Funding: Invited lecture (University of Shanghai, International Studies (SISU), Shanghai, China, 17 October)
- 2011 Santander Research Fund Travel Funding: Invited lecture (University of Shanghai, International Studies (SISU), Shanghai, China, 17 October)
- De Martino Cappuccio (2008). Da analfabete a lettrici, Leggendaria, 4 (68) 20-25
- A. De Martino Cappuccio (2011). Translating Neapolitan Dialect in Theatre: Problems of Cultural Transfer Translation Studies Journal, 3 (3); 47-63
- A. De Martino Cappuccio (2012). The Relationship Between Dialect, Theatre and Power in Antonio Gramsci, The Italianist, 32, 67-83
- A. De Martino, P. Puppa, P. Toninato eds. (2013). Differences on Stage, (New Castle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing)
- P. Puppa, A. De Martino, P. Toninato (2013). ‘For a Theatre on the Edge: An Introduction’, in Differences on Stage, (New Castle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing); 1-12
- A. De Martino (2013). ‘Cultural Translation and Stage Language. A Case: Eduardo De Filippo’ in Differences on Stage, (New Castle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing); 170-190
- A. De Martino Cappuccio (2013). ‘Characters in an English Adaptation of Napoli milionaria!’, in The Tradition of the Actor-Author in Italian Theatre, ed. by Donatella Fischer (London: Legenda); 110-127
- De Martino A. L'interesse in Gran Bretagna, in La Città, 26-03-2014.
- Translating Neapolitan Dialect: from Language to Culture (Languages at Play: Theatre Translation as Cultural Transfer, University of Warwick, 31 May 2008)
- The Representation of Characters in an English Adaptation of Napoli milionaria! (The Tradition of the Actor/Author in Italian Theatre, University of Glasgow, 17-18 October 2008)
- Translating for Theatre: Cultural Encounters in Pippo Delbono's Theatre (Conference on Modern/Contemporary Italian theatre: Beyond Pirandello (2), Pearson Lecture Theatre, University College London, 22 -23 May 2009)
- Translating Food in Eduardo De Filippo's Theatre (International Conference: The Role of Theatre in Contemporary Society, University of Westminster, 14-15 May 2010)
- Translating Dialect Theatre (Translating Theatre. Migrating Texts, University of Warwick, 12 June 2010)
- The Multiple Faces of Filumena Marturano (Naples Crucible of the World, University College London, 29-30 October 2010)
- Translating Cultures: Dialect Theatre in Twentieth Century Italy. The Neapolitan Case (Research Talks, University of Warwick, 25 January 2011) Invited lecture at the ‘Week of Italian Language’ (University of Shanghai, International Studies (SISU), Shanghai, China, 17 October 2011)
- Dialect Theatre and Cultural Translation. Is Domestication the Only Choice? (Translating Regions, Translating Voices, University of Durham, 9-11 March 2012)
- Filumena Marturano: Between Myth and Reality (The Society for Italian Studies Biennial Conference, University of Durham, 8-11 July 2013)
- Filumena Marturano: Un mito nella contemporaneità (Colloque International Réécrire le mythe, Université de Toulouse le Mirail, 17-18 October 2013 – Invited speaker)
- Eduardo in Gran Bretagna (Invited Speaker at I giorni e le notti: l'Arte di Eduardo, University of Salerno - Fisciano, 26-27 March 2014)
- Languages at Play: Theatre Translation as Cultural Transfer, University of Warwick, 31 May 2008
- Translating theatre: Migrating Texts, University of Warwick, 12 June 2010
- Empowering Marginalized Voices in Theatre: The Case of Italy and Beyond, University of Warwick, 11 May 2011
I have worked as a professional translator for various agencies and institutions, including BBC World Service and The Royal College of Music and I am on the list of official translators held by the Italian Consulate in London.
In 2007 I worked as an interpreter with the Royal Shakespeare Company for the theatre company Compagnia Pippo Delbono, liasing with the director and local actors during the production Henry V at the Complete Works Festival. I have translated academic book chapters and the monologues Ragazze, by Lella Costa, from Barboni, by Pippo Delbono, In via Paolo Caliari, Verona, by Paolo Puppa and Louise Bouregois, by Luca De Bei. I have also translated the play Week-end, by Annibale Ruccello and I have directed the project of collaborative translation, with undergraduate students, of the short play Per proteggerti meglio, figlia mia, by Dacia Maraini which was staged at the Warwick Students Art Festival on 21 June 2014. I appeared as a British narrator in the series of five episodes entitled Evil Up Close which was broadcast by Sky Television in the UK, Spain, Italy, Canada, Australia, New Zealand the USA and Brazil.