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Dr Dan Hall

Dr Dan HallTeaching Fellow


Fourth Floor, Faculty of Arts Building
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL


GE109 German Culture in the Age of Enlightenment - module leader and tutor

GE108 The Changing Face of Germany in Film and Text - tutor

GE207 German Culture in the Age of Revolution (1789-1848) - module leader and tutor

Administrative Roles

Exams Secretary for German (all years)

British Council applications

Incoming Erasmus students liaison

Teaching interests and research

My teaching interests lie in German culture of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries; German drama (including in performance if possible); Translation Studies - particularly 'translating culture' and literary translation; and, given half a chance, the Reformation, as well as all levels of language teaching. I have recently joined Warwick from Nottingham, where I taught a variety of modules on literature, translation, culture and history from the fifteenth to twenty-first centuries, including the Reformation to Revolution (Germany 1517-1848), Writing in Exile, Translating Culture, Literary Translation, The Fantastic in German Literature, with an occasional foray into the French dept to teach the French Revolution. I also helped to develop the Post-Beginners' language module at Nottingham.

My research began with my thesis and book on French and German Gothic literature, an area to which I am now returning after some years away.

I am also a translator from German and French, and have somehow ended up translating both nineteenth-century French melodrama and twentieth-century German exile literature into English.

Office hours

Friday 11-12 or by appointment.

My work days are Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.


Links to modules