Dr Federica Coluzzi
Leverhulme Early Career Fellow
Email: federica dot coluzzi at warwick dot ac dot uk
Fourth Floor, Faculty of Arts Building
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
I am Leverhulme Early Career Research Fellow in the Department of Italian at Warwick and the co-director of the Centre for Dante Studies in IrelandLink opens in a new window, based at University College Cork along with Dr Valentina Mele and Dr Daragh O'Connell. I am the co-organiser of the the Warwick Italian Department Research Seminar Series with Dr Luca Peretti.
In 2019-20, I was Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellow at University College Cork where I also oversaw the organisation of the Dante Dialogues Series and Italian Department Research Seminars. In 2018 I received my PhD in English and American Studies from the University of Manchester, where I was also Early Career Researcher at the John Rylands Research Institute.
My research encompasses reception theory, Dante studies, intellectual history, and the history of publishing and reading in the long nineteenth century.
My current project, Dante’s Transnational Female Public in the Long Nineteenth Century (1789-1921), carries out the first systematic inquiry into the historical formation and development of Dante’s modern female audience in Britain, Ireland and Italy. Unlocking a wide-ranging corpus of manuscript, print and archival evidence, it explores the changing material, ideological, and cultural conditions of women’s access to Dante, thus reassessing their far-reaching impact on creative, critical and scholarly responses to Dante and on the transnational reception, pedagogy, and interpretation of his oeuvre. Transdisciplinary at heart, the study combines literary, book-historical, and material approaches to produce a comprehensive and innovative reassessment of the phenomenon.
My first monograph Dante Beyond Influence: Rethinking Reception in Victorian Literary Culture was published with Manchester University Press in November 2021. The study conceptualise and historicise the hermeneutic turn in Dante reception history and Victorian cultural history, charting its development across intellectual realms, agents and forms of readerly and writerly engagement. The book conducts a material and book-historical inquiry into the formation and popularisation of the critical and scholarly discourse on Dante through Victorian periodicals, mass-publishing, traditional and Extramural higher education. The book demonstrates that the transformation of Dante from object of amateur interest (dantophilia) to subject of systematic interpretive endeavours (dantismo) reflected paradigmatic changes in Victorian intellectual and socio-cultural history. Both projects have been presented in an interview with Dr Matthew Treherne for the Leeds Dante Podcast.
Research interests
- Reception theory
- Dante studies
- Women's History
- Women's Studies
- 19th-century printed media culture;
- history of the periodical press
- History of the book and reading
- Material studies and DH
Recent Publications
(2021) Coluzzi, F. Dante beyond Influence: Rethinking reception in Victorian Literary Culture (Manchester: Manchester University Press). ISBN: 978-1-5261-5244-2
Edited volume and journal issues
(2022) Coluzzi, F. and J. Blakesley, The Afterlife of Dante’s Vita Nova in the Anglophone World Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Translation and Reception HistoryLink opens in a new window for the Routledge Series in Translation Studies (forthcoming).
(2022) Coluzzi, F. and D. Bowe, "Mediating Dante" Special Issue of <em>Italian Studies, </em>77.2
Peer-reviewed articles and chapters in volumes
Coluzzi, F. (2022) Illuminating the Vita Nuova: Phoebe Anna Traquair, Evelyn Paul, and Medievalist Practices of Visual Mediation, Italian Studies.
(2022) Rediscovering Matthew Arnold: The Commonplace Reader (of Dante), Nineteenth-Century Prose, vol. 49.1, in print.
(2022) Dorothy L. Sayers and Feminist Archival Historiography in Dante Studies: (Re)discovering Female Authorship in Fin de Siècle Britain, CoSMo: Comparative Studies in Modernism, accepted for publication.
(2022) Dante negli archivi: Storia transnazionale delle Società Dantesche di secondo Ottocento, in La Mondialisation de Dante (Ravenna: Longo Editore), accepted for publication.
(2021)"Three Dante Societies: Historical Notes", in Dante Beyond Borders: Contexts and Reception, ed. by Nick Havely and Jonathan Katz with Richard Cooper, Italian Perspectives, 52 (Cambridge: Legenda, 2021), p. xxvi-xxviii,
(2021) F. "Rossetti reconsidered : Dante's Vita Nuova and its paths to canonization in Victorian literary culture Tre corone : rivista internazionale di studi su Dante, Petrarca, Boccaccio, VIII, 2021, p. 135-146.
(2021) Coluzzi, F. "University Extension Movement" In: Scholl L. (eds) The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Victorian Women's Writing. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. 2021
Coluzzi, F. “The Higher Education of Women”. In: Scholl L. (eds) The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Victorian Women's Writing. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. 2021
2020 Review of Alexis Easley, Clare Gill, and Beth Rodgers (eds), Women, Periodicals and Print Culture in Britain, 1830s-1900s: The Victorian Period, Victoriographies 10(3), 2020, p. 334-337.
Recent Conference, Workshop and Seminar organised
“Lost in the Archives: The Material History of Dante Studies in Victorian Britain”, La Mondialisation de Dante I: Europe (Universite de Nancy, 7-8 October).
“Dante’s Transnational Female Public in the Long Nineteenth Century (1789-1921)”, Congresso Internazionale di Studi Danteschi (Ravenna, 15-18 September)
“Dante Transnazionale: storia europea delle Società Dantesche di fine Ottocento”, Rencontres de l’Archet (Fondazione Sapegno Morgeux, IT, 13-18 September) - Invited speaker.
“Transnational communities of mediation: Anglo-Italian literary flows in the 19th and 20th centuries”, Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing (University of Munster, online 26-30 July)
“Dante in Review: Constructing Dantean Knowledge in Nineteenth-Century Periodical Reviews”, American Association of Italian Studies conference, (online, 28 May-6 June)
“Collecting Dante Between Archives and Libraries: Britain, Ireland and North America”, Dante Dialogues Series: Centre for Dante Studies in Ireland, University College Cork
“L’ombra delle donne: De-Marginalising Female Dantismo in Victorian Britain (1870s-1921)”, L’ombra sua torna conference (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, online 19-21 April)
IT317- Introducing Dante's HellLink opens in a new window
LN909:Introduction to European Gothic and Romantic Studies
IT2011 Modern Italian Language II Translation
Administrative Roles
Co-organiser of the Department of Italian Research Seminar Series
Professional Associations
- Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
- Centre for Dante Studies in Ireland (University College Cork)
PhD in English and American Studies (University of Manchester)
Ditals II level (Stranieri Siena/University of Rome "La Sapienza")
MA in Modern Philology (University of Rome "La Sapienza")
BA in Modern Languages and Literature (University of Rome "La Sapienza")
Feedback hours
Monday 14:00-15:00
If you would like to arrange a meeting (online or in presence) at a different time, please send me an email: federica.coluzzi@warwick.ac.