David A. Lines - Recent conference papers
Conference papers (since 2010)
’Bernardo Segni, Antonio Brucioli and the Vernacular in Moral Philosophy’, paper presented at the Renaissance Society of America, Venice (8–10 April 2010).
’L’università delle arti nell’Università di Bologna: il primo Seicento’. Invited paper presented at a conference on Galileo e la scuola galileana nelle università italiane del Seicento (Bologna, 28–30 October 2010).
‘The University, the City, and the Papacy in the Later Sixteenth Century: Issues of Control’. Invited paper presented at a conference on Current Scholarship on Renaissance Bologna (Bologna, June 2011).
’Vernacular Aristotelianism: The Case of Bernardo Segni’. Paper presented at the Society for Italian Studies, St Andrews, 7 July 2011.
’Bernardo Segni, Aristotelianism, and the Role of the Vernacular in Mid-Sixteenth Century Italy’. Paper presented at the Sixteenth Century Society and Conference, Fort Worth, Texas, 28 October 2011.
’Francesco Piccolomini’s Moral Philosophy between Latin and the Vernacular’. Paper presented at the Renaissance Society of America, Washington, D.C., 23 March 2012.
Invited lectures (since 2010)
‘Rethinking Education in Sixteenth-Century Italy: The University of Bologna’. Invited lecture at Reading University (29 January 2010).
‘Reforming a University: The Case of Bologna in the Late Renaissance’. Invited lecture at the Institute of Historical Research, University of London (29 April 2010).
’New Directions in Renaissance Aristotelianism’. Invited lecture at the University of Leuven (9 November 2010).
’Curricular Reform in Sixteenth-Century Italy: Ulisse Aldrovandi and the University of Bologna.’ Invited lecture at the Institute for Historical Studies, University of Texas at Austin (24 October 2011).