Melanie Jolivet-Balon
French (Teaching Fellow)
Email: M dot Jolivet-Balon at warwick dot ac dot uk
Tel: +44 (0)24 761 51087
FAB 4th Floor
Faculty of Arts Building, University Road
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
I was born and raised in France where I obtained my BA of English studies (Orléans University). In 2006, I passed my CAPES (French equivalent of PGCE) of English and taught the language in France for four years before moving to Coventry. In 2015, I completed the first year of a Masters degree in French as a Foreign Language (correspondence, Grenoble University). My dissertation focused on how games can help memorise vocabulary. I have been teaching at the University of Warwick for five years now.
I have a passion for languages and I enjoy learning new ones. I also love cinema, music and literature and I like sharing my knowledge of the French culture with students, as well as discussing current affairs.
Undergraduate modules
French 2Link opens in a new window (Module convenor)
French Beginners Accelerated (Module convenor)
French Intermediate AcceleratedLink opens in a new window (Module convenor)
French 4Link opens in a new window (Module convenor)
French 6 through FilmsLink opens in a new window (Term 2 - module convenor)
Advice and feedback Hours
Mondays 1-2pm or Thursdays 5-6pm
Room FAB4.15