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Postgraduate Research Students in the School of Modern Languages and Cultures

MPhil/PhD students in our School pursue research in French, German, Italian, and Hispanic Studies (all broadly conceived), as well as in Translation and Transcultural Studies.


Thesis Topic

MPhil/PhD ProgrammeSelect to sort (ascending)
Adam Agowun

Approaches to presidential televisual image projection in the French Fifth Republic, 1995-2017: from candidacy to post-presidency

French Studies

Gennaro Ambrosino

Intersections between archaeology and the ‘unconscious’ in Italian culture from the late 18C through the mid-19C.

Italian Studies

Airelle Amedro

Queer vulnerability in French contemporary narratives

French Studies

Daniel Cabeza-Campillo

Brexit in translation: Narratives of conflict in British and Spanish online media (2016-2022)

Translation & Transcultural Studies

Maria Inês Castro E Silva

This is what remains. The Cinema of Peripheral Spaces in a Post-Imperial Portugal

Hispanic Studies

Esteban Catalán Muñoz

End of the World's Redux

Hispanic Studies

Meryem Choukri

Archives of Resistance - Knowledge, Memory and Experience of Feminist Activists of Colour in German

German Studies

Abigail Coppins

Women and Children from the Caribbean inside the prisoner-of war prisons of Portchester and Forton Castle, 1793-1815

French Studies

Jacopo Francesco Mascoli

The Working Class Goes To Hell: Visions of Labour in Contemporary Italian Cinema and Philosophy

Italian Studies

Kerry Gibbons

Anxiety and Existential Crisis in the Italian Fascist-era romanzo coloniale (1918-1948)

Italian Studies

Molly Harrabin

Representations of 'the other' in Weimar Cinema

German Studies

Julián Harruch Morales

Decoloniality and the Spectre of Modernity

Hispanic Studies

Rachel Hayes

Queering Gender in Medieval French Narratives

French Studies

Jenny He

Examining the 'Red Translation' of English novels into Chinese and their online marketing and reception in contemporary mainland China as propaganda for Xi Jinping's economic policies.

Translation & Transcultural Studies

Millie Jacoby

Haunting the Nation-State: (Post)memory of Eastern Europe in 20th Century French Jewish Literature

French Studies

Pallavi Joshi

Raising them Alone: Single-Parent Families in French Cinema 2010-2020

French Studies

Enrica Leydi

Giacomo Leopardi's visual culture

Italian Studies

Neil Malloy

Peripheral Vision: the Aesthetics of Political Marginality in Contemporary French fiction

French Studies

Raghad Melfi

A Reception Study of Gender Representation in Saudi Feminist Films

Translation & Transcultural Studies

Ambra Minoli

The literary and transcultural representations of Shanghai during the Republican period as reflected in the works of Chinese and French authors.

Translation & Transcultural Studies

Franziska Müller

Fluid Borderscapes in Contemporary German-Speaking Literature

German Studies

Emanuele Podda

Émile Giraud: A Life Across Borders (1894-1965)

French Studies

Paola Sanges Ghetti

Orbiting an Origin: Encounters between Exile and Invention in Wajdi Mouawad

French Studies

Yara Staets

Coming to Terms with the Present: Non-Realist Representations of War in early post-1945 German Literature

German Studies

Xiaoyan Tan

Translation of contemporary Chinese women’s writing

Translation & Transcultural Studies

Silvia Vari

A Dance Between the Visible the Invisible: Fragments of (forced) Migration in Comics from Italy and the Mediterranean

Italian Studies

Laura Woolley-Núñez

Recovering Anti-Francoist Women’s Voices: A Feminist Translation of María Teresa León’s Memoria de la melancolía

Translation & Transcultural Studies

Yaqi Xi

The translator’s voice embodied: translating the New Northeast Chinese Writers Group from text to audio

Translation & Transcultural Studies

Shaoyu Yang

Translating Traumatic Memory of Twentieth-Century China: Diasporic Literature of the 1937 Nanjing Massacre and Translation

Translation & Transcultural Studies

Yuning Yang

Examining Translationese - A new Quality Assurance Method for Game Localisation

Translation & Transcultural Studies

Zhen Yang

Refugee Narratives: World University Service's Ethiopian and Eritrean Scholarship Programmes in the Light of Current Practice

Translation & Transcultural Studies

Xinyao Zhang

Feminist Translations of Virginia Woolf and Her Works in China

Translation & Transcultural Studies

Yuqing Zhang

The Reconstruction of Suspense in Early Twentieth-Century Chinese Translations of Sherlock Holmes Stories

Translation & Transcultural Studies

Di Zhao

From writing to translation, viewing the double plights of Chinese Dialect Literature through the lens of Postcolonialism

Translation & Transcultural Studies

For completed PhD theses in the School of Modern Languages and Cultures, go to WRAP (Warwick Research Archive Portal), where you can find many theses on open access.

(For older theses, look on WRAP under the former departments of French Studies, German Studies, or Italian.)