Dott. Giacomo Comiati
** Link to my current profile **
at the Centre for the Study of the Renaissance at Warwick
from January 2017
Email: G dot Comiati dot 1 at warwick dot ac dot uk
Dr Comiati is currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Centre for the Study of the Renaissance at the University of Warwick (link to current profile).
He was an Early Career Fellow at the Institute of Advanced Study (IAS) at the University of Warwick (untill June 2016) and co-founder of the Italian Studies Doctoral Colloquia (ISDC) in the Italian Studies Section of the School of Modern Languages and Cultures. In January 2016, he completed his PhD (dissertation title: 'Horace in the Italian Renaissance (1498-1600)'), funded by a Departmental scholarship. Prior to his PhD, Dr Comiati completed both his BA and MA degrees at Padua University (Italy), where he graduated in Italian Modern Philology in July 2012. During this time, he also attended the Scuola Galileiana di Studi Superiori (the School of Excellence of Padua University).
His research interests include the Renaissance reception of Latin antiquity, Italian Petrarchism, late sixteenth-century Venetian poetry, Italian Courtly literature, and Renaissance Latin poetry. Dr Comiati wrote some articles on the book of rhymes by Celio Magno, Cristoforo Landino’s Latin poems, Baldassarre Castiglione’s Book of the Courtier, and Giovanni Della Casa’s Carmina.
Read more about the IAS at Warwick here.
Research Interests
- Sixteenth-century Italian Poetry
- Reception of the Classics in the Italian Renaissance
- Renaissance Latin poetry
- Italian Petrarchism
- Fifteenth-century Latin and Vernacular Literature
- Italian Courtly literature
Teaching (last update: April 2016)
IT321 Renaissance Rivalries: Power, Magic, and Language (Reading Group)
IT301 Modern Italian Language II
IT212 Italian for Historians 2
Latin for Research in the Humanities - Centre for the Study of the Renaissance
IT101 Modern Italian Language for Beginners
IT323 Magic and Marvel in Renaissance Italy (Reading Group)
IT324 Topics in Renaissance Thought and Culture: In the Footsteps of Machiavelli (Reading Group)
Latin for Research in the Humanities - Centre for the Study of the Renaissance
Community Course Discovering Italy
IT321 Renaissance Rivalries: Power, Magic and Language (Reading Group)
IT322 Renaissance Rivalries: Courts and Learning (Reading Group)
Publications (last update: April 2016)
- 'Une ode latine présumée de Monseigneur Della Casa: Un cas d'hymnographie paienne dans l'Italie de la Renaissance', Camenae, 18 (2016), 1-13
- ‘Componente paratestuale e didascalie nelle Rime di Celio Magno’, in ‘Questioni filologiche: la critica testuale attraverso i secoli’, ed. by Pamela Arancibia, Johnny L. Bertolio, Joanne Granata, Giovanna Licata, Erika Papagni, and Matteo Ugolini (Florence: Franco Cesati, 2016), pp. 143-159
- ‘“Sonoros cantat amores”. Un’analisi dei carmina in metro saffico di Cristoforo Landino’, Humanistica Lovaniensia, 64 (2015), 43-73
- 'Presenze oraziane nelle Rime di Celio Magno' in Canzonieri in Transito, ed. by Alessandro Metlica and Franco Tomasi (Milan: Mimesis, 2015), pp. 59-76
- '«Benché ’l sol decline vince un sol raggio suo tutte le stelle». La parabola amorosa nelle Rime di Celio Magno'. Italique 17 (2014), 105-40
- 'Alcune osservazioni su Il libro del Cortegiano di Baldassarre Castiglione nel sistema del dialogo rinascimentale' in Prima e dopo il Leviatano, ed. by Merio Scattola and Paolo Scotton (Padua: Cleup, 2014), pp. 57-72
Select Book Reviews (last update: April 2016)
- Review of Francesco Lucioli, Jacopo Sadoleto umanista e poeta (Rome: Roma nel Rinascimento, 2014), in: La Rassegna della Letteratura Italiana, 119.2 (Jul-Dec 2015), 477-479
- Review of Francesco Lucioli, Amore punito e disarmato. Parola e immagine da Petrarca all’Arcadia (Rome: Sapienza Università Editrice, 2013), in: La Rassegna della letteratura italiana, 118.2 (Jul-Dec 2014), 591-93
- Review of Renaissance Encounters: Greek East and Latin West, ed. by Marina S. Brownlee and Dimitri H. Gondicas (Leiden: Brill, 2013), in: Giornale Critico della Filosofia Italiana, 93.2 (2014), 454-55
Awards (last update: April 2016)
- Centre for Renaissance and Early Modern Studies, University of York (UK)
Travel Grant to take part as a speaker to the Conference 'Epistolary Cultures: Letters and Letter-Writing in Early Modern Europe', University of York (18-19 March 2016)
- ‘Alumni della Scuola Galileiana’ Association, Padua (IT)
Grant for the organization of the conference ‘Aldo Manuzio umanista, editore e filologo’ (‘Aldus Manutius Humanist, Printer, and Philologist’), University of Padua (15 December 2015) - Humanities Research Fund, University of Warwick (UK)
Travel Grant to attend as a speaker the Conference ‘Building the Canon: Italian Renaissance and the Creation of a Literary Tradition’ at Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA (5-6 December 2015) - Humanities Research Fund, University of Warwick (UK)
Travel Grant to take part as a speaker to the Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting in Berlin (26-28 March 2015) - Fondation Hardt, Genève (Switzerland) - Bourse de Recherche
Three-week research grant to study and live at the Hardt Foundation - Humanities Research Centre, University of Warwick (UK) - Transatlantic Fellowship
Three-week research grant to present a paper at the Renaissance Society of America Annual Conference (New York) and study early modern manuscripts at the Columbia University Library (New York) and Houghton Library, Harvard (Boston) (March-April 2014) - Newberry Library, Chicago. Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Fund
Two-week research grant to study early modern manuscripts and printed-editions at the Newberry Library (May 2013) - Winner (with M.Piperno and K.Willman) of the 2012 Postdoctoral Fellowship launched by Warwich Humanities Research Centre for the conference proposal ‘Italy made in England: Contemporary British Perspectives of Italian Culture’ (which took place on 22 February 2014)
- Member of the SGSS School of Excellence (Scuola Galileiana di Studi Superiori, Padua) (October 2007 – June 2012)
- Took part in the Socrates-Erasmus exchange programme at the Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3 (Paris, France) (September 2010 – June 2011)
Teaching Certificate (last update: April 2016)
Invited Conference Papers (last update: April 2016)
- ‘Horace chez Bernardo Tasso: réécrire les odes en vers italiens’, Paris, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Conference ‘Chacun son Horace. Horace dans les débats poétiques en Europe XVe-XVIIe siècles’ (11-12 June 2015)
- 'Love, Childbirth, and Tenderness in Fifteenth-Century Florence: the case of Cristoforo Landino's poem In praise of Diana', Warwick University, Classics and Ancient History Seminars (19 November 2014)
- 'Hymnographie païenne en Italie: une ode latine à Apollon par Monseigneur Della Casa entre le Fons Bandusiae et le Carmen Saeculare', Paris, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Conference 'Horace, un laboratoire poétique: paraphrases, transpositions, détournements' (20 June 2014)
- 'Escursioni cinquecentesche «non senza Horatio in mano»', Warwick University, 'Banda Larga' Seminars (6 February 2014)
- 'Presenze oraziane nelle Rime di Celio Magno'. Padova, Scuola Galileiana di Studi Superiori, Conference 'Canzonieri in transito. Lasciti petrarcheschi e nuovi archetipi letterari tra Cinque e Seicento' (20 June 2012)
Other Conference Papers (last update: April 2016)
- ‘Imitating Petrarch’s Canzoniere in Sixteenth-Century Italian Carmina’, Innsbruck, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute, Conference ‘The Influence of Vernacular Discourses on Neo-Latin Literature’ (21-23 April 2016)
- ‘Ippolito Capilupi as Self-Translator’, Boston, The Renaissance Society of America Annual Conference (31 March-2 April 2016)
- 'A Renaissance Manual for Epistles in Latin and Italian', University of York, Conference 'Epistolary Cultures: Letters and Letter-Writing in Early Modern Europe' (18-19 March 2016)
- ‘Horace’s biographies as a means to legitimize the inclusion of Horace in the fifteenth-century canon of classical authorities’, Harvard University, Conference ‘Building the Canon: Italian Renaissance and the Creation of a Literary Tradition’ (5-6 December 2015)
- ‘Horace’s Odes in Sixteenth-Century Italy’, Oxford University, The Society for the Italian Studies Biennial Conference. Session ‘Renaissance Translations of Ancient Tragedy and Poetry’ (28-30 September 2015)
- 'Lepanto on Stage: The Venetian Celebrations for the 1571 Victory over the Turks', Berlin, The Renaissance Society of America Annual Conference (26-28 March 2015)
- 'Re-Uses of Ariosto's Orlando Furioso in the Nineteenth Century: The Case of Manzoni's Il Conte di Carmagnola', Warwick University, Sub-Faculty of Modern languages Postgraduate Symposium (2-3 June 2014)
- 'Il mito di Piramo e Tisbe nell'Amorosa visione boccacciana', Zurich, American Association for Italian Studies Annual Conference (23-25 May 2014)
- 'Presence and use of Horatian Carmina in Sixteenth-century Venice', University of Warwick , Conference 'Using Abusing, Misusing Latin in the Early Modern Period' (25-26 April 2014)
- 'The Works of Celio Magno: An Horatian Petrarchist in Late Sixteenth-century Venice', New York, The Renaissance Society of America Annual Conference (27-29 March 2014)
- 'Horatian tesserae in Alamanni’s Opere toscane: A new source for the French imitation of Horace', The Warburg Institute, Conference 'Horace in Renaissance France' (29 November 2013)
- 'The Horatian Model in the Renaissance: The Case of the Italian Book of Rhymes', Warwick University, Arts Faculty Semirar Series (20 November 2013)
- 'Forces and Forms of Imitative Power in the Sixteenth-century Petrarchism: the Horatian Lesson as Centrifugal and Allotropic Variable in the Italian Lyrical Poetry', Reading University, The Society for the Italian Studies Postgraduate Colloquium (8 November 2013)
- 'Appunti sulla struttura del Canzoniere di Celio Magno'. Roma, XVI Congresso ADI (18- 21 September 2013)
- 'The influence of Horace in Giovanni Della Casa's Latin Poetry'. Durham University, The Society for the Italian Studies Biennial Conference (8-11 July 2013)
- 'Censorship in Renaissance Translation: the Case of Ludovico Dolce'. St. Andrews University, Conference 'Censorship and Deviance' (5 July 2013)
- ‘Didascalie ed elementi paratestuali nelle Rime di Celio Magno’. Toronto University, GSAIS Conference 'Philological Concerns: Textual Criticism throughout the Centuries' (2-4 May 2013)
Professional Associations
- Association 'Alumni of the Scuola Galileiana'
- Renaissance Society of America (RSA)
- Society for Italian Studies (SIS)
- Associazione degli Italianisti (ADI)
- American Association for Italian Studies (AAIS)
- Higher Education Academy (HEA)
Dr Comiati is currently a postdoctoral research fellow at the Centre for the Study of the Renaissance of the University of Warwick.
Click to visit his
current profile
Office Hours
By appointment