Knut Langewand
Curriculum Vitae
From October 2009 to September 2013 I have been a PhD student and Part-time lecturer at the Department of German Studies.
After studying at Greifswald University, Free University Berlin and University College London, in 2007 I received a Magister Artium (M. A.) in History, German and Eastern European Studies from Greifswald University. There I have subsequently worked as Teaching Assistant at the Historical Institute and Research Associate at the Faculty of Law.
Doctoral Research
My PhD thesis is about the image of the Weimar Republic as a sick state (Working title: Die kranke Republik – Körper- und Krankheitsmetaphern in politischen Diskursen der Weimarer Republik).
Recent years have brought about new perspectives on the first German Republic (1918-1933). My project is committed to this historiographical reconsideration. It examines contemporary metaphors of sickness related to state, society and "Volk". I aim to develop an approach to the crisis of the “Weimar system” through analysing the discourses of health and morbidity as metaphors for the political and social system.
My investigation looks at the changing imagery of illness and its application to state, society and culture of the 1920s and early 30s. It analyses in which contexts these metaphors have been used, which semantic forms can be found, to which political points of view they can be attributed, and finally which purpose they served within political and journalistic controversies of the times.
- Historik im Historismus. Geschichtsphilosophie und historische Methode bei Ernst Bernheim, Frankfurt/Main 2009. Table of contents
- (as co-editor): Wo bleibt die Aufklärung? Aufklärerische Diskurse in der Postmoderne, Stuttgart 2013 (with Luise Güth, Niels Hegewisch, Dirk Mellies and Hedwig Richter).
- ‚Keeping the lunatics out‘. Geschichtswissenschaftliche Praxis zwischen Postmoderne und Rechtsrevisionismus, in: Luise Güth/Niels Hegewisch/Knut Langewand/Dirk Mellies/ Hedwig Richter (Hg.): Wo bleibt die Aufklärung? Aufklärerische Diskurse in der Postmoderne, Stuttgart 2013, pp. 255-270.
- 'Vaccinate With Crisis Serum' - Metaphors of Sickness in the Political Discourse of Weimar Germany, in: Focus on German Studies, Journal of the University of Cincinnati 19 (2012), pp. 76-88.
- The Chancellor's Toothache. Crisis and Sickness - The Weimar Case, in: Jackson/Jeffery/Marino/Sykes: Crisis; Rupture and Anxiety. An Interdisciplinary Examination of Contemporary and Historical Human Challenges, Newcastle 2012, pp. 73-87. Link to Publisher's Page
- Parteienstaat Tschechoslowakei 1918-1938, in: Mitteilungen des Instituts für Deutsches und Europäisches Parteienrecht und Parteienforschung (MIP) 16 (2010), pp. 79-90. MIP 2010 (pdf)
- (with Dirk Mellies): Feldzug gegen die Fakten, in: Blick nach rechts, No. 16 (August 2007). Article (in German)
Grants and Awards
- Humanities Research Fund Travel Funding, 2012
- German History Society Research Grant, 2011
- Association for German Studies (AGS) Travel Scholarship, 2011
- William Robson-Scott Travelling Scholarship, 2011
- Warwick Postgraduate Research Scholarship, since 2009
- Scholarship of the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes, 2000-2005
Research interests
- The Weimar Republic (1918-1933)
- Culture and politics of interwar Europe
- Historiography and philosophy of history in the 19th century - the phenomenon of German "Historismus"
- History as a science (Geschichtswissenschaft) and theory of history
- Democracy and dictatorship in Eastern Europe
Department of German Studies
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
k dot p dot langewand at warwick dot ac dot uk