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Julián Harruch Morales

PhD Hispanic Studies



Julián Harruch is a PhD student in Hispanic Studies, under the supervision of Alison Ribeiro de Menezes and Fabienne Viala.


Julián's doctoral project, titled 'Decoloniality and the Spectre of Modernity', concerns debates about decolonial theory and interculturality in contemporary Latin American thought.

Research Interests

  • Latin American intellectual history
  • Political philosophy
  • Cultural theory


  • HP1014 Modern Spanish Language I Oral

Academic Publications

  • ‘Decoloniality and the Spectre of Modernity: Notes for a Theoretical Critique’, Bulletin of Latin American Research, 43.4 (2024), pp. 251–62, doi:
  • ‘Book Review: The Class Matrix: Social Theory After the Cultural Turn’, Cultural Sociology, 17.2 (2022), 301–2
  • Hibridismo y mulatocracia: biopolítica, raza y mestizaje en la obra de Fernando González’, Lingüística y Literatura, 41.78 (2020), 478–500

Other Publications

Conference Papers

  • 'Decolonial Thought and the Spectre of Modernity', Society of Latin American Studies Conference, University of Amsterdam, 2 July 2024.
  • 'The Rise of Decoloniality in Latin American Critical thought', UK Latin American History Network Conference, University of Sheffield, 24 May 2024.

Scholarships and Awards

  • Warwick's Humanities Research Centre Doctoral Fellowship, 2024-2025.
  • Warwick Chancellor’s International Scholarship, 2021-2025.
  • Universidad de los Andes' Francisco Pizano de Birgard Scholarship, 2018-2019.


  • M.A. in Literature, Los Andes University, Bogotá, Colombia
  • B.A. in Philosophy, National University of Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia