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Paola Sanges Ghetti

Paola Sanges GhettiPhD French Studies

Email: paola dot sanges-ghetti at warwick dot ac dot uk


I am a PhD student in French, under the supervision of Professor Pierre-Philippe Fraiture.

I previously studied French theory (focusing on Jean-Luc Nancy and Jacques Derrida) and Brazilian literature at undergraduate and graduate level in Brazil, at the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro and the State University of Campinas, respectively. I then moved abroad, living in France and in the UK, where I worked for a number of years as a translator and interpreter (trained at Leeds University) working across Portuguese, English and French before re-entering academia in Warwick with a doctoral project on the Lebanese/Canadian playwright Wajdi Mouawad. The project is informed by my experience of working as an interpreter with asylum seekers in the UK, and brings together deconstruction, trauma and Postcolonial theory.


My project contends that the work of Lebanese-Canadian writer and director Wajdi Mouawad makes a profound contribution to exile and memory studies through its approach to narratives of the self in the face of traumatic rupture. These are narratives characterized by the precariousness of the protagonists’ attempt to build a history from unstable, fragmentary elements, and to reconstruct an originally absent origin. Access to this ‘origin’ is therefore not simply impeded, but rather becomes indirect, inventive, and – given the characters’ epistemological, geographical and linguistic dislocation – necessarily open-ended.

One of the distinctive contributions of my thesis is to show how Mouawad draws attention to intersecting histories of trauma, violence and oppression that are often treated in separate academic silos. In revealing the interconnections between different histories of violence and oppression, Mouawad’s work not only hints at the implications for the cross-cultural complexity of personal identity, but also highlights potential solidarities between marginalised and oppressed groups. Additionally, at a time of increasing hostility in the public sphere toward those fleeing traumatic pasts, it questions simplistic distinctions between self and ‘others’.

My thesis will be the first in-depth study to focus on the specifically cross-cultural and transnational dimensions of traumatic inheritance in his work and to ground this in a rigorous, deconstructive theoretical framework. On this basis, I will consider Mouawad’s profound contribution to key contemporary discussions, both on the intersections of personal trauma with broader geopolitical and colonial histories, and on responsibility and reparation for inherited violence.


  • ‘Memory, obliviousness and postmemory’ (April 2022-September 2022). Teaching assistant at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, in the Theory of Literature Department. In this role I assisted a professor during his course and taught 3 lectures on topics that are close to my recent research, including on trauma, postmemory and multidirectional memory.

Scholarships and Awards

  • SMLC Doctoral Scholarship at Warwick University (2023-2027).
  • SCIC bursary for interpreters from the European Commission's Directorate-General for Interpretation, 2018
  • FAPESP scholarship, awarded by the state of São Paulo, 2013.
  • CNPQ scholarship – awarded by the Brazilian national funding agency, 2010.
  • Scholarship from the Rio de Janeiro Ministry of Education for outstanding students, 2007.

Paper presentations

  • 'Weaving non-human solidarities', research paper for the SMLC Symposium - University of Warwick, May, 2024.
  • 'Traumatic intertwining: the voice of animals in Wajdi Mouawad’s Anima', research paper for the seminar 'Trauma as a Crisis of Relationality- Beyond the Nature-Culture Divide', ACLA annual conference, Montreal, March 2024.

  • ‘De la respiration au souffle – l'expérience de la pensée chez Jean-Luc Nancy’, Athens, 2015
  • ‘The passages of breath: Body and resonance in Jean-Luc Nancy’, London, 2014.
  • ‘O coração instável da escrita. Considerações a partir de Jacques Derrida e Jean-Luc Nancy’ (The unstable heart of writing: Considerations based on Jacques Derrida and Jean-Luc, Nancy). Queretaro/Mexico, 2013.
  • ‘A resistência da poesia segundo Jean-Luc Nancy’ (The resistance of poetry according to Jean-Luc Nancy). Florianópolis, 2013.
  • ‘O toque de palavras e imagens em O Intruso de Claire Denis e Jean-Luc Nancy’ (The touch of words and images in The Intruder by Claire Denis and Jean-Luc Nancy). Rio de Janeiro, 2010.
  • 'Jean-Luc Nancy: autobiografia de uma vida entre o público e o privado' (Jean-Luc Nancy: Autobiography of a life between the public and the private). Maricá, 2010.


  • Sanges Ghetti, P. (2014) ‘À escuta do mundo: Som e sentido na co-existência’ (Listening to the world: Sound and sense in coexistence), Revista Escrita, 2014(18). doi:10.17771/pucrio.escrita.23082.
  • Translation of: Nancy, J.-L. (2013) ‘Meditação de Método’ (Meditation on method), Alea : Estudos Neolatinos, 15(2), pp. 303–311. doi:10.1590/s1517-106x2013000200003.
  • Sanges Ghetti, P. (2013) ‘Uma filosofia que seja o estremecer de um som: Sobre o sentido em Jean-Luc Nancy (A philosophy that is the trembling of a sound: On meaning in Jean-Luc Nancy)’, Outra travessia, 1(15). doi:10.5007/2176-8552.2013n15p147.


SFS – Society for French Studies

ACLA – American Comparative Literature Association