Dr Leticia Villamediana Gonzalez
Associate Professor

Email: L dot Villamediana-Gonzalez at warwick dot ac dot uk
Tel: +44 (0) 24 765 74452
Room FAB4.67, Faculty of Arts Building
University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL
- Head of Hispanic Studies
- Senior Fellow of HEA (SFHEA)
- WIHEA Alumni Fellow
I'm an Associate Professor in Hispanic Studies and I joined Warwick and SMLC in 2014. Before coming to Warwick, I taught Spanish at Queen's University, Belfast, where I completed my Doctoral Studies. During my time at Warwick, I've been teaching a wide range of modules at different levels and I've had multiple admin roles. I'm also an Alumni Fellow of the Warwick International Higher Education Academy and I'm actively involved in some of the Learning Circles, mainly the Pedagogic Research in HE and Internationalisation. I was awarded a Warwick Award for Teaching Excellence in 2021.
Research Interests
My research interests focus on 18th and 19th-Century Spanish literature and culture, from the perspective of Anglo-Spanish relations, with a particular interest in the textual and material exchanges between both countries and in the periodical press of the period.
I'm also interested on how to engage students with the pre-modern Hispanic world and how to make these texts more accessible to today’s learners whilst also retaining the essential differences of another culture and another era. In September 2023, I organised the interdisciplinary workshop 'Approaches to Teaching the #EarlyModernHispanicWorld to 21st-Century Students' at Warwick, featuring keynote speaker Tara Munroe, Creative Director of Opal22 Arts and EdutainmentLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window (Leicester), who talked about her exhibition 'CASTA - The Origins of Caste' Link opens in a new windowLink opens in a new windowat the Leicester Museum & Art Gallery.
I've collaborated in an international research project entitled LHIBRO: Hispanic Literature in the British Romantic Periodical Press (1802-1832): Appropriating and Rewriting the CanonLink opens in a new window (Ref. RTI2018-097450-B-I00), with colleagues from the University of Valladolid and University of La Rioja, and financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities.
Teaching and Scholarship
- My main teaching interests are modern Spanish literature, particularly women's writing since the eighteenth century, and modern and contemporary Spanish politics, history and culture. I was awarded the 2017 BSECS Teaching Prize for 'Images and Representations of 18th-Century Spain', my contribution to the first-year module 'Images and Representations of the Hispanic World'.
- I'm also interested in innovative language teaching and in embedding an intercultural and international perspective in the curriculum. I've been running pedagogical projects co-created with students on how to internationalise our Teaching and Learning with Virtual Intercultural Exchange Programmes , funded by IATL, Link opens in a new windowwith the Universidad Pontificia Javeriana, Bogotá (Colombia) and the Universidad de Valladolid, Spain.
- I'm also part of the ELE-UKLink opens in a new window SIG 'Decolonising the Teaching of Spanish Language in HE the UK' and I'm also working on decolonising the SMLC curriculum at Warwick. Together with Dr Valentina Abbatelli and SMLC UG students, we run the co-created project 'Decolonising Babel': Multilingual and Inclusive Language Pedagogies at Warwick and Beyond'Link opens in a new window, funded by IATL.
- I'm collaborating in the Exploratory Pedagogic InquiryLink opens in a new window (EPI) project with other Warwick colleagues from other faculties.
Villamediana González, L. & V. Abbatelli, 'A Roadmap towards Cultivating a SoTL Community of PracticeLink opens in a new window', The Language Scholar, 2024.Co-edited volume: ELEUK en acción: reflexiones pedagógicas e investigadorasLink opens in a new window (Centro Virtual Cervantes, 2024)
'Approaches to Teaching the #EarlyModernHispanicWorld to 21st-Century Students'Link opens in a new window, University Council for Languages, Small Grant Report, 2024.
'Bosquejos de Andalucía en la prensa británica del siglo XIX: del discurso romántico al discurso colonial', in Andalucía y lo andaluz en los siglos XVIII y XIX: representación, crítica y creación de estereotipos, ed. by
(Peter Lang, 2023).“A distinguished place in the Temple of the Muses”. Tomás de Iriarte’s Fables in the British Romantic Press (1795–1820), in British periodicals and Spanish Literature. Mapping the Romantic Canon Link opens in a new window(Peter-Lang, 2022)
'La literatura comparada y sus aplicaciones didácticas en clase de ELE', in Literatura y ELE: miradas desde los estudios literarios y culturales, ed. by Ana Peñas Ruiz (Madrid: EnClave-ELE, 2021)
Anglomanía: la imagen de Inglaterra en la prensa española del siglo XVIIILink opens in a new window (Woodbridge: Tamesis Books, 2019)
The Configuration of the Spanish Public Sphere: from the Enlightenment to the indignados Link opens in a new window(New York-Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2019)
'La librería Orcel: un negocio europeo en el Madrid del setecientos', Cuadernos de Ilustración y Romanticismo. Revista digital del Grupo de Estudios del Siglo XVIII, nº 24 (2018), 339-71.
«Prescription for Scolding Wives»: Esposas gruñonas y transgresoras en la prensa inglesa y española del siglo XVIII», Cuadernos de Ilustración y Romanticismo. Revista digital del Grupo de Estudios del Siglo XVIII, nº 22 (2016), 57-78. ISSN: 2173-0687
'Semblanza de Marcelino Calero y Portocarrero (Badajoz, 1778-Madrid, 1838)', in Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes - Portal Editores y Editoriales Iberoamericanos (siglos XIX-XXI) - EDI-RED (Alicante, 2016)
'Publicación y censura de los Discursos mercuriales, primer periódico español de economía política', Dieciocho: Hispanic Enlightenment, 38 (2015), 291-318
'La anglomanía en la prensa periódica española de la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII', in Hacia 1812, desde el siglo ilustrado. Actas del V Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Estudios del Siglo XVIII, ed. by Fernando Durán López (Gijón: Trea, 2013), pp. 197-210
'La Estafeta de Londres de Francisco Mariano Nifo, otro precedente de las Cartas Marruecas de Cadalso', Cuadernos de estudios del siglo XVIII, 22 (2012), 165-78
"Comencemos á conocer á una Nacion, que tanto nos importa tenerla à raya.' El fenómeno de la emulación en la Estafeta de Londres (1762) de Francisco Mariano Nifo', in La tinta en la clepsidra. Fuentes, historia y tradición en la literatura hispánica, ed. by Sónia Boadas, Félix Ernesto Chávez and Daniel García Vicens (Barcelona: PPU, 2012), pp. 187-98
Instituto Cervantes DELE Examiner, 2014
PhD in Hispanic Studies, Queen's University, Belfast, 2013
MA in Hispanic Studies, Queen's University, Belfast, 2009
MA in Interculturalidad en textos y contextos de ámbito occidental, University of Valladolid, 2008
BA (Hons) in English Philology, University of Valladolid, 2006
Advice and Feedback Hours
Term 1 2024-25:
Tuesdays 11-12pm and Thursdays 2-3pm
in FAB4.67 or on MS Teams.
Book time with me hereLink opens in a new window
Or email me to find a different appointment.
Email: l.villamediana-gonzalez@warwick.ac.uk
Teaching (2024-2025)
HP301: Modern Spanish Language III (Module Convenor)
HP212: Knowing Women: Gender, Education, and Power in Hispanic Writing Link opens in a new window(Co-Convenor)
LN307: Propaganda and Persuasion in Modern Europe (Module Convenor)
LN311: Political Propaganda in Contemporary Europe from 1975 to the Present (Module Convenor)