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Dr Yoosun Ko

Yoosun KoKorean (Assistant Professor and Subject Leader)

Tel: +44 (0)24 761 50389
Email: yoosun dot ko at warwick dot ac dot uk

Faculty of Arts Building, University Road
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL


Yoosun has pursued two areas of research throughout her career: postcolonial geographies of development and development knowledge production. Yoosun joined the University of Warwick in 2022.


PhD in Human Geography (University of Exeter, 2022)

MA in International Development Cooperation

BA in International Studies

Office hours

Please email Yoosun to make an appointment.


LL2C4 Korean Beginners Accelerated

LL2D1 Korean 2

LL2C5 Korean 3

LL2C6 Korean 4

LL2C8 Korean Beginners for Language Degree Students

LL2C9 Korean 2 for Language Degree Students