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Abd Al Malik, Gibraltar



Resources on Abd Al Malik

Music by Abd Al Malik

Le Face-à-face des cœurs (Atmosphériques, 2004).

Gibraltar (Atmosphériques/Polydor, 2006).

Dante (Polydor, 2008).

Château Rouge (Barclay, 2010).


Books by Abd Al Malik


Qu’Allah bénisse la France! (Paris: Albin Michel, 2004).

La Guerre des banlieues n’aura pas lieu (Paris: Le Cherche Midi, 2010).

Le Dernier Français (Paris: Le Cherche Midi, 2012).


Abd Al Malik's official website

Abd Al Malik in the media

Talking about the film version of Qu'Allah bénisse la France (out December 2014)

Film review: Le Monde:

Talking about the terrorist attacks in Paris of Jan 2015


Writing about Abd Al Malik


Olivier Bourderionnet, ‘A “Picture-Perfect” Banlieue Artist: Abd Al Malik or the Perils of a Conciliatory Rap Discourse’, French Cultural Studies, 22.2 (2011), pp. 151-61,


Jacques Denis, ‘Rap domestiqué, rap révolté’, Le Monde diplomatique, September 2008 (PDF Document)


Faysal Riad, ‘Un truc de malade: Abd Al Malik, ou la pétainisation du slam’, Collectif les mots sont importants,

Provot, Karine, La France est sa banlieue: L’identité française et sa périphérie urbaine à travers le cinéma,
les médias et la musique. Published PhD thesis available here:

Interview with Abd Al Malik on Gibraltar

Abd Al Malik, le poète de la rue,


General works on French hip hop


Bocquet, José-Louis and Philippe, Pierre-Adolphe, Rap ta France (Paris: J’ai lu, 1999).


Durand, Alain-Philippe (ed.), Black, Blanc, Beur: Rap Music and Hip-Hop Culture in the Francophone World (Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2002).


General works on hip hop


Forman and Neal (eds.), That’s the Joint!: The Hip Hop Studies Reader (New York: Routledge, 2004).


Krims, Adam, Rap Music and the Poetics of Identity (Cambridge: Cambridge Univerity Press, 2000).


Useful general works on the study of pop music

Chambers, Iain, Urban Rhythms: Pop Music and Popular Culture (London: MacMillan, 1985), ML 3561.P6

Frith, Simon, Performing Rites: Evaluating Popular Music (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998), ML 3561.P6

Hesmondhalgh, Desmond and Negus, Keith (eds.), Popular Music Studies (London: Arnold, 2002), ML 3561.P6

Longhurst, Brian, Popular Music and Society (Cambridge: Polity, 1995), ML 3561.P6

Middleton, Richard (ed.), Reading Pop: Approaches to Textual Analysis in Popular Music (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2000), ML 3561.P6.

Negus, Keith, Popular Music in Theory: An Introduction (Cambridge: Polity, 1996), ML 3561.P6

Shuker, Roy, Key Concepts in Popular Music (London: Routledge, 1998), ML 3561.P6





referencing popular music




seminar 1 worksheet(Word Document)

seminar 2 worksheet(Word Document)


lecture 1 powerpoint slides(Powerpoint Presentation)

lecture 1 lyric sheet(Word Document)

Lecture 1 recording . Please note recording begins approx 4 min 50 secs in

Lecture 2 recording Please note recording begins approx 4 minutes in


lecture 2 powerpoint slides(Powerpoint Presentation)

lecture 2 lyric sheet(Word Document)