Society and Business in Modern France
Module Code: FR119 |
Module Name: Society and Business in Modern France |
Module Coordinator: Béatrice Julé-Keogan |
Wednesdays 09.00-10.00 (lectures) in H0.03 |
Module Credits: 30 |
Module Description
This module, which will be taught through a mixture of English and French, will give you a vision of modern and contemporary France, will furnish you with French language skills that particularly focus on the business environment, and will develop your intercultural awareness. After an introduction to the 5th Republic, it will mainly focus on contemporary events, dealing particularly with the period following François Hollande's election in May 2012 through to the election and presidency of Emmanuel Macron. It will take you into the world of contemporary French society (including the serious CRISE DES GILETS JAUNES) ,the language of French Business, and it will explore the links between politics and business.
Topics covered will include the 35 hour week law; France and globalisation; the French social model; France and competitiveness; unemployment in France and its consequences for French society; the new politics of Emmanuel Macron and the En Marche movement. The part played by France within the European Union will also be analysed.
During seminars you will have opportunity to study and discuss a variety of texts and book extracts. The French press will also be a constant source of information, together with some videos. This aspect of the module will be taught in English and French.
You will also learn to use an extensive range of business vocabulary, and to undertake a wide variety of business tasks. This aspect of the module will be taught in French.
Assessment Method:
This module will be assessed by one 3-hour examination, in which you will be required to write 2 business letters in French and an essay in English.
Introductory reading:
These texts will offer a useful 'way in' to the module.
John Gaffney, Political Leadership in France: from Charles de Gaulle to Nicolas Sarkozy (London: Palgrave MacMillan, 2010). Recommended as a general introduction to contemporary French politics.
Emmanuel Macron, Révolution (Paris: XO, 2016)
Primary ('set') texts (these can be purchased from the bookshop at Warwick on arrival):
Aubenas, F, Le quai de Ouistreham (Paris: Olivier, 2010)
Hollande, F. (2012) Changer de destin (Paris: Robert Laffont, 2012).
Béatrice Julé-Keogan
Get a flavour of contemporary French political issues by watching Macron's Presidential election victory speech.