Please click on the links below to access module materials (core and further reading, presentation topics, questions for seminar discussion and other resources):
1.Introduction: distinctive features of the French policing and criminal justice system and Jacques Rancière’s conception of ‘the police order’
2. Jean Genet on the Mettray reformatory, Miracle de la rose (1946). 1/2
3. 2/2
4. Henri Charrière’s sensationalized account of his attempts to escape from the penal colony in French Guiana, Papillon (Paris: Robert Laffont/Pocket, 1969), and the controversy over the accuracy and ownership of this story, 1/2.
5. 2/2.
6. Reading Week (no teaching).
7. Consolidation: (i) techniques of coercive governance and prisoner resistance; (ii) the penal colony as instrument of colonisation; (iii) background to the Algerian War of Independence.
8. ‘Pacifying’ Algeria: Jérôme Ferrari, Où j’ai laissé mon âme (Arles: Actes Sud, 2010), 1/2.
9. 2/2.
10. ‘Pacifying’ Algeria: Alain Resnais, Muriel ou le temps d'un retour (Film: 1963).
11. Policing Paris: October 1961 and May 1968. Library research skills training session.
12. The politics of prison and the GIP’s ‘counterveillance’ of the prison system 1/2: Artières (ed.), Groupe d’Information sur les Prisons: Intolérable (Paris: Verticales, 2013).
13. 2/2
14. Policing the suburbs and the 2005 riots 1/2: Didier Fassin, La Force de l’ordre: une anthropologie de la police des quartiers (Paris: Seuil, 2011).
15. Policing the suburbs and the 2005 riots 2/2.
16. Reading week (no teaching).
17. Economic policing 1/2: Maurizio Lazzarato on debt.
18. Economic policing 2/2: Laurent Cantet, L’Emploi du temps (Film: 2001).
19. Dataveillance and user profiling: Armand Mattelart and André Vitalis, Le profilage des populations: du livret ouvrier au cybercontrôle (Paris: La Découverte, 2014).
20. Policing Terrorism Today: Emmanuel Todd, Qui est Charlie? Sociologie d'une crise religieuse (Paris: Seuil, 2015).
Revision workshop