Weeks 14-15
Core reading
Fassin, Didier, 'Politique', La Force de l'ordre: une anthropologie de la police des quartiers (Paris: Seuil, 2011), ch. 6, pp. 259-284 as scanned extract.
Advance preparation for seminar discussion
Week 14
- Describe and evaluate Fassin's research methodology.
- What are the key features of Fassin's account of the Brigade Anti-Criminalité (BAC)? Are there other perspectives on this particular police formation? (Do some independent research.)*
Week 15
- Identify, from Fassin and relevant further reading, the causes of the 2005 riots, focusing in particular on the following dimensions:
- race or ethnicity; discrimination
- poverty, unemployment and education
- social segregation
- relationships between the community and the police
- race or ethnicity; discrimination
- Discuss the response to the riots by key members of the government of the day.*
- Analyse the riots in the context of 'securitarian' policing policy.
- What can you make of Straub and Huillet's Europa 2005?
Further reading
- Badiou, Alain, 'L'humiliation ordinaire', Le Monde (15 November 2005), available here.
- Berthaut, Jérôme, La Banlieue du 20 heures: ethnographie de la production d'un lieu commun journalistique (Marseille: Agone, 2013). See here.
- Boucher, Manuel, 'Portrait d'un policier de la brigade anti-criminalité dans une "cité ghetto" française', Champ Pénal IX (2012).
- Boucher, Manuel, 'L'expérience du ghetto', Déviance & Société 33 (2009): 221-248. Available via CAIRN.
- Brulhart, Nicolas, 'Europa 2005 - 27 octobre, ou la répétition dans le ciné-tract de Jean-Marie Straub', Décadrages 18 (2011): 120-126. Available online here.
- Carpenter, Juliet and Horvath, Christina (eds.), Regards croisés sur la banlieue (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2015). See here.
- Duprez, Dominique, 'Urban Rioting as an Indicator of Crisis in the Integration Model for Ethnic Minority Youth in France', Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 35, 5 (2009): 753-770. Available electronically via the Library here.
- Harsin, Jayson, 'Cultural Racist Frames in TF1's French Banlieue Riots Coverage', French Politics, Culture & Society 33, 3 (2015): 47-73. Available electronically via the Library here.
- Lapeyronnie, Didier, 'Révolte primitive dans les banlieues françaises', Déviance & Société 30 (2006): 431-448. Available via CAIRN.
- Lapeyronnie, Didier & Courtois, Laurent, Ghettto urbain: ségrégation, violence, pauvreté en France aujourd'hui (Paris: Laffont, 2008). See here.
- Le Goaziou, Véronique and Mucchielli, Laurent, La Violence des jeunes en question (Nîmes: Champ Social, 2009). See here.
- Monjardet, Dominique, 'Les sanctions professionnelles des policiers', Informations sociales 127 (2005): 76-85. Available via CAIRN.
- Moran, Matthew, 'Opposing Exclusion: The Political Significance of the Riots in French Suburbs (2005-7)', Modern and Contemporary France 19, 3 (2011), available electronically via the Library here.
- Moran, Matthew, The Republic and the Riots: Exploring Urban Violence in French Suburbs, 2005-2007 (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2012). See here.
- Mucchielli, Laurent, 'Autumn 2005: A Review of the Most Important Riot in the History of French Contemporary Society', Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 35, 5 (2009): 731-751. Available electonically via the Library here.
- Mucchielli, Laurent, Criminologie et lobby sécuritaire: une controverse française (Paris: La Dispute, 2014). See here.
Other resources
Fassin, Didier, 'Pourquoi la BAC a des manières "rudes et humiliantes"', interview in L'Obs/Rue89 here.
'Nouvelle nuit d'émeutes à Clichy-sous-Bois', France 3 news report from 28 October 2005. Available from INA here.
'Les émeutes dans les banlieues françaises en 2005', retrospective on the three weeks of riots first broadcast by France 2 on 17 November 2005. Available from INA here.
Straub, Jean-Marie and Huillet, Danièle, Europa 2005 : 27 octobre, unsigned 'Cinétract', available here.