Erasmus and Rabelais
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Reading list
- Erasmus, ‘Dulce bellum inexpertis’ (Adage IV, 1, 1) (key text)
EITHER in: Margaret Mann Phillips, Erasmus on His Times. A Shortened Version of the Adages of Erasmus (Cambridge University Press, 1967), pp. 107-140
OR in: The Adages of Erasmus, selected by William Barker (Toronto, Buffalo and London: University of Toronto Press, 2001), pp. 317-356. Available as an e-book on Myilibrary via Warwick University Library (only one user at a time!)
- Further reading of work by Erasmus (optional / as required):
- The Praise of Folly (various English translations available in Warwick University Library). For a modern French translation, click hereLink opens in a new window.
- The Education of a Christian Prince
- Rabelais, Gargantua, 'The Pichrocholine War', ch. 28-38, 44-51.