Renaissance Political Thought - the Monarchomachs
Protestant Resistance Theory? The Monarchomachs
Problem-based learning: “What is Protestant Resistant Theory? And how does it manifest itself in the political treatises of Hotman, Du Plessis-Mornay, Beza and/or d’Aubigné? To what extent does La Boétie’s Contr’Un belong to the group of “monarchomach” authors?”
Prepare a fact sheet on ONE of the following authors/texts, with:
- basic information about the author
- the publication history/distribution of the text (as applicable)
- a summary of the argument of the political tract
- one or two critical works that you have found useful.
Please bring enough copies to hand out in class.
Théodore de Bèze, Du droit des magistrats / De iure magistratuum
- 1574 edition of French text on Google Books
- Du droit des magistrats, introd., éd. et notes par Robert M. Kingdon
Agrippa D’Aubigné -- Du Debvoir mutuel des Roys et des Subjects, in Oeuvres d'Agrippa d'Aubigné, édition établie par H. Weber, J. Bailbé et M. Soulié, Paris, Gallimard ("Bibliothèque de la Pléiade"), 1969, p. 465-489.
Philippe Du Plessis-Mornay, Vindiciae, contra tyrannos
- translation by George Garnett (Cambridge University Press)
François Hotman, Francogallia (Latin text with English translation by Ralph Giesey and Samuel Kinser)
Étienne de La Boétie,
- De la servitude volontaire, ou Contr’Un, ed. by Malcolm Smith
- Etienne de La Boétie, De la servitude volontaire, ou, Contr'un, édition et présentation de Nadia Gontarbert. Suivi de sa réfutation par Henri de Mesmes. Suivi de Mémoire touchant l'édit de janvier 1562, présenté par Annie Prassoloff
Other text editions:
Constitutionalism and resistance in the sixteenth century; three treatises, by Hotman, Beza, & Mornay. Translated and edited by Julian H. Franklin