MA modules
This page lists the innovative taught MA modules available from expert tutors in the School of Modern Languages and Cultures. Most of these modules are normally available to take either as core or optional modules on our own taught MA programmes and many can also be taken as options on other taught MA programmes across the wider Faculty and University. You should first check with your Director of Graduate Studies (or Course Convenor) if you think you may want to follow one of these modules and if they agree in principle you should then approach the module tutor. Please note that some modules may not run if there are insufficient numbers and their being listed on this page is not a guarantee of availability so you should communicate your interest as early as possible to avoid disappointment.
Term 1 modules
Advanced/Guided Study Option 1 (any tutor, subject to availability)
A bespoke programme of study consisting of one-to-one tutorials or small-group teaching with a recognized expert on your chosen topic.
LN902 Translation Portfolio (Dr Mila Milani and other tutors)
This module explores the theoretical challenges that specific genres and types of material (poem, short story, children’s literature, audiovisual and advertising material, newspapers and social media) pose in the practice of translation.
LN906 Research Skills in Modern Languages (Dr Fabio Camilletti and other tutors)
This module introduces students to essential skills including the use of electronic resources, writing a literature review, creating a bibliography, choosing and writing a dissertation, giving an oral presentation and writing a PhD proposal. Continues into Term 2 (15 CATS).
LN907 Critical Theory in Modern Languages (Dr Fabio Camilletti and other tutors)
The module acquaints students with established positions and evolving trends in critical theory and familiarizes them with relevant vocabulary for advanced literary and cultural analysis in the Modern Languages.
Term 2 modules
Advanced/Guided Study Option 2 (any tutor, subject to availability)
A bespoke programme of study consisting of one-to-one tutorials or small-group teaching with a recognized expert on your chosen topic.
LN903 Trans/national Cultures (Dr Linda Shortt and other tutors)
This module explores how concepts are translated, re-interpreted and circulated within, across and beyond national boundaries and probe the limitations of more traditional understandings of national cultures as a homogenous entities.
LN905 Multilingualism (Dr Will Amos)
The module will explore multilingualism across a range of socio-cultural contexts including language policy, education, business, and the arts, engaging critically with research in linguistic topology, linguistic landscapes, and translation.
PH967 Benjamin, Lukács, Brecht, Adorno: The Search for Revolutionary Aesthetics (Dr Helmut Schmitz)
This Philosophy module explores the materialist critique of bourgeois aesthetics by Walter Benjamin, Bertolt Brecht, Georg Lukács and Theodor W. Adorno.
IL908 Memory Studies (Professor Alison Ribeiro de Menezes)
This IATL module asks why research across several disciplines has turned to focus on memory. The aims of this module are to explore memory studies from a variety of angles with a focus on cross-disciplinary perspectives.
IT904 Shapes of Knowledge in Early Modern Italy (Professor David Lines)
This module examines forms of knowledge in Early Modern Italy.
IT905 Emigrants, Migrants, Immigrants (Professor Jenny Burns)
This module examines the literary and other cultural representation of migration in twentieth-century and contemporary Italy.
Term 3 modules
LN904 Dissertation in Translation Studies (Dr Linda Shortt and others)
Not running in 2018-19
HP903 Caliban’s Legacy in the Caribbean (Dr Fabienne Viala)
This course examines how, when and why the character of Caliban, created by Shakespeare in The Tempest, became a productive political and philosophical paradigm in the Caribbean during the 20th century.
FR916 Books, Subversion and the Republic of Letters (Professor Ingrid De Smet)
This module explores subversion in print culture of the Early Modern period and includes study of several works considered to be masterpieces of the Renaissance. The focus is on France in the sixteenth century and first half of the seventeenth century.
Not running in 2019-2020
LN908 The Lure of Italy (Professor Kate Astbury and other tutors)
The module aims to evaluate the impact of Italy on German and French writers of the Romantic age but also the influence these countries had, in return, on Italy during the last decades of the 18th century and the first decades of the 19th.
LN909 Introduction to European Gothic and Romantic studies (Professor Kate Astbury and other tutors)
This module aims to introduce students to types and styles of writing of the Gothic and Romantic period both in Britain and abroad
FR917 Reason and Revolution in 18th-century France (Professor Kate Astbury)
This module considers some of the guiding principles of the Enlightenment and examines how writers used them in the final years of ancien régime France and the first years of the Revolution.
MA option modules in other departments
Depending on your MA programme and with the agreement of your DGS or Course Convenor and the module tutor you may be able to take MA modules offered by other departments in the Faculty and wider University:
Centre for the Study of the Renaissance